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KeyBank hợp tác với Itron để tài trợ cho 'thành phố thông minh'   


Share KeyBank wants to help finance more energy-efficient cities. The bank’s equipment-financing arm is partnering with Itron, which modernizes utility grids, to help cities finance infrastructure upgrades.  “Representatives from Key will work directly with account managers from Itron, as well as their end-user clients, to provide payment plan solutions,” said Amy Gross, executive vice president "Đọc thêm

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* Tùy chọn để lựa chọn giữa thanh toán hàng tháng và hàng năm.

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Source: https://bankinnovation.net/allposts/biz-lines/lending/keybank-partners-with-itron-for-smart-cities-financing/

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