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Những thủ thuật Netflix hay nhất mà bạn có thể nên thử tối nay


Netflix is more than just an OTT platform to its 200 million global subscribers. Whether you are happy or sad or just want to spend some time with your friends streaming non-stop, Netflix is there for you.

Mọi người streaming Netflix over a VPN to find out the newest and trendy series or to watch their favorite shows in their region. However, there are some hacks that users can employ to make the most of their binge-watch nights.

So, without any delay, let us learn about them:

1.You Can Set Multiple Profiles

You must already be familiar with this option given in every Tài khoản Netflix. But, you can use it to boost your convenience even more. As Netflix allows you to set up around five different profiles, you can use it to personalize each profile for a different viewing experience.

Since the Netflix algorithm recommends shows and movies based on users’ viewing habits, you can set each profile in a manner that displays unique suggestions.

For example, if you like indie movies, then set one of your profiles that is dedicated solely to artsy documentaries and Sundance debuts. Hence, Netflix will grasp the specific algorithm and generate suggestions as per that.

2.Make Use of Smart Downloads

Having an option to download your favorite films and TV shows and watch them while offline is cool but, you have another better trick to follow. By enabling smart downloads Netflix will pre-download the next episode of the show before you finish the current episode.

In addition to this, it will also wipe out all the watched episodes, so you don’t have to stress about emptying your phone storage.

It does not cost you an extra data fee, as this feature only works over a wifi network. So, if you own a wifi network at home, then turn this feature on for tonight’s binge-watch.

3.Check And Delete Selective Titles from Your Watch History

Sometimes the “Continue watching” queue can get embarrassing, especially if you are sharing your account with your friends. For this, you can check and delete selective titles from your viewing history. This will keep your queue clear from shows you don’t want to pop up on your feed.

For this, you need to go to your “Account” section and then go to “My profile.” Tap on the viewing activity. This will bring up the name list of every show you have ever watched on your app. From here, you can delete the titles you want.

4.Watch Only the Best Shows with Netflix Roulette

People are streaming Netflix with the help of VPN to watch their newest, trendy or favorite show for the 50th time. However, once in a while, we all face the situation where we get confused on which show to watch among the vast content available across Netflix.

Well, now you have a hack to tackle it. Here’s a website called Netflix Roulette that suggests movies and TV shows that are based on Rotten Tomatoes rating, IMDB score, and the genre you prefer.

While using the website, you will need to tick on your preferred genre. Also, select what you want to see in movies or TV shows. Further, choose the rating from IMDB and Rotten Tomatoes from the list given on the Netflix Roulette.

5.Learn Helpful Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts have always been our best friends while using any application or program. Netflix, too, has such shortcuts for its viewers.

To pause or play a show, you can tap on the spacebar, and to stream on full-screen, press F. Also, get familiar with other Netflix keyboard shortcuts to receive maximum convenience.

6.Let Netflix Pick a Show For You

In place of scrolling for long hours to get something engaging to watch, you can use the Netflix feature “shuffle play” to find the best picks. Though shuffle play sounds like your app will pick something random from the library but in actual Netflix uses its algorithm to offer shows on movies that you will definitely be interested in.

It uses data from your watch history and watchlist. Now you can always have something to watch based on your preferences.


  1. Find out about the upcoming shows and movies beforehand

Many shows and movies come and go on Netflix each month. Netflix updates movies and show lists regularly. Hence, you can check the titles to find out which ones are available. Also, you can look for which shows are coming in the upcoming days with this list.

So, bookmark the updated calendar for 2021 by Netflix. This calendar marks the releasing dates for all the Netflix originals from the time they get announced.

Kết luận

We all love watching shows and movies while relaxing. Some even make time to finish their favorite series during workdays. The craze for binge-watching is blooming. Hence by using the hacks as mentioned earlier, you can enjoy it at most.

Nguồn: Plato Data Intelligence


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