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Những người ghét Trump giờ đây có thể trả tiền cho các dòng tweet của anh ấy dưới dạng NFT bất chấp


A group of anonymous university students calling itself “Strategic Meme Group, Incorporated” has begun selling Donald Trump’s tweets as mã thông báo không nấm (NFT) on a special platform dubbed “Drumpfs".

“Hate Trump? Buy his ‘Drumpf’ and own a part of history! With all profits going to charities he despises, you can hurt him where it matters,” the website proclaims.

What’s really being sold?

Obviously, those are not even “real” tweets, as was the case when Jack Dorsey sold one of his for nearly $3 million, since Trump’s Twitter account was suspended in early January following the US Capitol riots. Instead, the group went for the next best thing—a website called Lưu trữ Twitter của Trump that carefully preserved the former US President’s train of thought.

In total, there are currently 46,694 Trump’s NFT-tweets—”Drumpfs”—for sale, 100 of which were handpicked by the organizers as especially “Infamous Drumpfs.” For a regular one, users will have to cough up 0.0232 Ethereum (ETH)—or roughly $55.45 at current prices. “Infamous” NFTs are a bit pricier—the organizers are asking 4.5 ETH ($10,700).

For a good cause?

Every NFT is presented as a 3D cube with a Trump’s tweet imprinted on two sides and an image on another two. The remaining two sides are occupied by the “Drumpfs” platform’s branding.

According to the website’s Câu Hỏi Thường Gặp, 97% of all profits will go to several charities that Trump allegedly “despised,” namely Americares, Clean Air Task Force, ACLU, Southern Poverty Law Center, Doctors Without Borders, and NAACP. The remaining 3% “Strategic Meme Group, Incorporated” will keep for itself “for expenses,” according to the FAQ.

Drumpfs FAQ
Drumpfs FAQ

Currently, there is no way to resell “Drumpfs” on the website, its creators explained, however, they pointed out that purchasers can “easily auction it off on OpenSea to a large number of potential buyers.”

Meanwhile, the legality of “Drumpfs” is questionable at best. Since the platform is using a public archive of Trump’s tweets, it clearly has no legal rights for them (nor for the real tweets, for that matter). Additionally, an astounding amount of various artworks attached to “Drumfs” surely also have their authors who, apparently, had no say in how their intellectual property is being used here.

Just when you taught that the NFT craze can’t get any crazier.

Nhận được một cạnh trên thị trường tiền điện tử

Truy cập thêm thông tin chi tiết và ngữ cảnh về tiền điện tử trong mỗi bài viết với tư cách là thành viên trả phí của Cạnh mã hóa.

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Thêm ngữ cảnh

Tham gia ngay bây giờ với $ 19 / tháng Khám phá tất cả các lợi ích

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Coinsmart. Đặt cạnh Bitcoin-Börse ở Europa
Source: https://cryptoslate.com/trump-haters-now-can-pay-for-his-tweets-as-nfts-just-out-of-spite/

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