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‘Unwelcome’ Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ‘forced’ to downsize from $22m mansion


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The cost of living crisis can also hit the very rich and famous with Meghan and Harry reportedly moving due to money issues, but they might not be welcome where they are moving to.

It appears the super rich and super famous might not be immune from the cost of living crisis either, with news Prince Harry and Meghan Markle might be moving from their luxury California mansion due to the eye-watering costs of upkeep.

The Sussexes bought the nine-bedroom, 16-bathroom estate, which Megan says is where she feels ‘free’, for $US14.65 million ($A21.5m) two years ago in celebrity haven Montecito.

There in Santa Barbara county, about an hour and a half drive from downtown Los Angeles, they count the likes of Oprah Winfrey, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Ellen DeGeneres as neighbours.

Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee 2022 - National Service of Thanksgiving

Times are tough even for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Picture: Getty

And while the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are mega wealthy by any stretch of the imagination, they are but English-ish peasants living in a thatched cottage in comparison to their mega, mega wealthy neighbours, who own pads worth much closer to the $US100m ($A160m) mark.

Paltrow just finished building her $US100m+ dream home in Montecito, that by all reports dwarfs the Sussex’s ‘humble’ pad.

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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s home in Montecito, in Santa Barbara, California. Pics from the sale listing in 2015. Supplied

‘Will we still be friends, even if we’re not living in Montecito?’

The cost of maintaining this Montecito estate might have become all too much.

“It’s a wholly different game to be with those super-rich people,” The Australian reported royal biographer Tina Brown as saying.

“Their $14 million dollar mansion is a humble cottage compared to what these other people have.”

After shunning England and their taxpayer paid security detail, protection for Harry and Meghan reportedly costs as much as $US3m a year. While, in dry California the cost of keeping their lawn and its surrounds looking tip top, so they aren’t embarrassed in front of the neighbours, is another massive cost issue.

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The hardest part will be leaving the chicken coop behind.

Oh, and this.

Such dramas would be non-existent if they have stayed in soggy England.

“The lawn is so verdant it’s better not to consider the water bill”, Brown said.

And so, the universe’s’s best known estranged Royals might be downsizing 15 minutes north of Montecito to the relatively cheap surrounds of Hope Ranch, which thankfully is still a refuge, of sorts, for the rich and famous including Snoop Dogg.

Leading property platform Realtor has several suitable properties there from $US22.5m down to $US4.395m including a gorgeous Tudor revival home – the American take on the famous English style – for $US4.45m, that could put Harry, at least party, back in the mother country.

710 Monte Dr, Santa Barbara, CA 93110

Harry could feel right at home in this Tudor revival home.

710 Monte Dr, Santa Barbara, CA 93110

Long live The Prince!

710 Monte Dr, Santa Barbara, CA 93110

Lie back and think of England.

According to the listing, the home features exposed timbers and panoramic mountain views and includes no less than four fireplaces, oak hardwood flooring, a wine cellar, high cathedral ceilings, a country kitchen, and separated bedroom wings.

There’s also a detached guesthouse, that could be ideal if King Charles and Camilla, Queen Consort of the United Kingdom ever come to visit.

Unfortunately or fortunately, there wouldn’t be room for Wills and Kate.

Harry and Meghan are rumoured to be moving to Hope Ranch, but it’s no sure thing they will receive a warm welcome.

“Nobody in Hope Ranch holds any ill will towards the Sussexes,” one local told entertainment hub TMZ.

He’s no Oprah but the world’s most famous dog, Snoop Dogg, lives in Hope Ranch.

“But the fact is, many fear they’re going to bring a circus to their quiet, super-private ‘burb since they’re so famous and controversial.”

There are fears the famous couple could bring “real-world problems” with them because the paparazzicould choke the narrow streets with traffic chasing pics of the pair.

“It could create peril especially for kids who are playing and walking to school.”

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