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Tiwai deal could lead to multi-billion dollar govt carbon pollution subsidy


Humanity must extract seven to nine billion tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere every year

Wednesday – Media release | New State of Carbon Dioxide Removal report shows the need for a…

National’s climate cuts will take us backwards

Tuesday – Media release | The National Government has shown all their talk about meeting…

Tiwai smelter to stay open in 20-year deal

Friday – Media release | The aluminium smelter at Tiwai in Southland has secured energy…

Huge gap between net zero and real zero: analysis

Friday – Media release | Government overreliance on carbon dioxide removals to avoid the…

New programme offers planet-friendly guidance for NZ’s not-for-profits

30 May 24 – Media release | Carbon footprint tracking expert Cogo has collaborated with the…

Hutt City Council announces low carbon acceleration fund recipients

28 May 24 – Media release | Five organisations with a keen eye for reducing their emissions…

Climate Change Commission chair to retire

27 May 24 – Media release | The Climate Change Commission Chair, Dr Rod Carr, has confirmed…

Flood damage a growing risk for NZ’s kelp forests

27 May 24 – Media release | Timber slash and debris from flooding events is decimating…

New project targets methane reduction in dairy effluent ponds

23 May 24 – Media release | A new project led by Lincoln University and Ravensdown marks…

Over 60% bounty increase for refrigerant recovery

22 May 24 – Media release | Cool-Safe is increasing Bounty Buy-Back payments from $25.00/kg…

Antarctica likely storing more carbon than previously thought

21 May 24 – Media release | Antarctica is likely a carbon storage powerhouse, according to…

Improving buildings could save NZ almost $40 billion

20 May 24 – Media release | Improving buildings could slash emissions equivalent to taking…

Carbon pricing works: major meta-study

17 May 24 – Media release | Carbon pricing systems achieve between 5% and 21% emission…

Fast-track applicant to pay $216,000 for failed mine bid

16 May 24 – Media release | A mining company that lobbied Resources Minister Shane Jones…

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