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The Impact of Nanotech Innovation and Funding – $3.78 Billion in 2022


In investments, the convergence of financial gains with positive societal impact has given rise to impact investing. This approach is gaining traction in nanotechnology, a sector with the potential to yield profits and tackle global challenges through groundbreaking innovations.

Nanotechnology, involving manipulating matter at the nanoscale, opens up possibilities across diverse industries. Its applications, ranging from healthcare advancements to revolutionary clean energy solutions, position nanotech as a catalyst for transformative change.

The nanotechnology market further emphasises the escalating significance and potential within the broader landscape of investments, which has already attained a valuation of USD 3.78 billion in 2022. Projections indicate a trajectory of substantial growth, with forecasts envisioning a global market size soaring to USD 74.1 billion by 2032. This trajectory underscores the undeniable impact of nanotechnology and its pivotal role in shaping the future of investments.

This trajectory underscores the undeniable impact of nanotechnology and its pivotal role in shaping the future of investments.

Case Studies in Impact

OCSiAl Group

OCSiAl Group is a pioneering startup based in Luxembourg. Established in 2009 by founders Mikhail Predtechenskiy, Oleg Kirillov, Yuriy Zelvenskiy, and Yury Koropachinskiy, OCSiAl Group has become the first business to develop a low-cost, infinitely scalable process for the mass manufacture of graphene nanotubes.

With its headquarters located in Luxembourg City, the company has grown significantly, employing between 251 to 500 individuals. OCSiAl Group’s remarkable journey has been fueled by substantial funding, totalling $176,000,000 across 13 funding rounds, with support from four key investors: RUSNANO, ExpoCapital, A&NN Investments, and Igor Kim. This robust financial backing has enabled OCSiAl Group to drive innovation in nanotechnology, demonstrating the transformative potential of impact investing in propelling groundbreaking technologies forward while delivering tangible returns to investors.

NAWA Technologies

NAWA Technologies, a French SME, stands out for its innovative Ultra-Fast Carbon battery. Founded in 2013 by Ludovic Eveillard and Pascal Boulanger, the startup is based in Rousset, Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur. With a modest-sized team of 11-50 employees, NAWA Technologies has attracted substantial funding amounting to €24,500,000 through three funding rounds.

Noteworthy investors supporting NAWA Technologies include Bpifrance, InnoEnergy, Demeter, Supernova Invest, and CEA Investissement. This financial backing has been instrumental in propelling the development of their Ultra-Fast Carbon battery, showcasing the potential impact of targeted investments in nanotechnology for sustainable energy solutions.


Agnikul, a space technology company based in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, has carved a niche, focusing on designing, building, testing, and launching orbital-class rockets tailored for micro and nanosatellites. Established in 2017 by founders Moin SPM, Satyanarayanan Chakravarthy, and Srinath Ravichandran, Agnikul has rapidly grown its team to include 51-100 employees.

The company has secured $14,543,144 through four funding rounds, drawing support from an impressive roster of 17 investors, including LetsVenture, Pi Ventures, BEENEXT, Mayfield Fund, and Naval Ravikant. Agnikul’s journey exemplifies the impact of strategic investments in space technology, paving the way for advancements in satellite deployment and contributing to the growing field of space exploration.

While the promise of impact investing in nanotech is undeniable, challenges such as regulatory uncertainties and ethical considerations must be navigated. However, these challenges also present opportunities for investors to actively shape ethical and regulatory frameworks, ensuring responsible and sustainable technological advancements.


Impact investing in nanotechnology catalyzes positive societal change and transformative advancements. Illustrated through success stories like OCSiAl Group, NAWA Technologies, and Agnikul, strategic investments drive financial returns and foster groundbreaking innovations with far-reaching benefits. From scalable graphene nanotube production to sustainable energy solutions and space exploration, these investments showcase the significant positive impacts that can be achieved. As the nanotechnology market continues its impressive growth trajectory, impact investors are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping a future where technological advancements address global challenges while contributing to a more sustainable and prosperous world.

Re-Posted: Arnold Kristoff – Nano Magazine


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