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The “Constantly Shifting Tides” of the Steem Blockchain


I’ve been reading quite a few comments and posts regarding the growing concern of big accounts powering down. About how it’s keeping the price down as well as causing FUD within the existing eco-system we have. Is it really that big of a problem? And if so, how significant?


I’ve always viewed the STEEM blockchain as a long term affair. People come, people go. Albeit more people are going at this point. That just about sums up the way things are. Is this due to a lack of patience with the price or just a case of plain old boredom setting in. Whatever it may be, I respect anybody’s opinion and right to do as they wish with their stake. But just as the tides of the sea roll in and out every single day, the STEEM userbase could be equated to that same analogy.

Take the first generation of Steemians, for instance. I remember what a close knit community we all were back then. Everyone pretty much knew each other. Then Steemfest came along and we actually got to meet our STEEM “idols” in real life. It was so damn surreal. At the end of the event, a huge photo was taken with all attendees in the picture frame. Exactly like each subsequent Steemfest, in fact. However, looking back on it now, only a handful of us from that photo are left and still going strong on the STEEM blockchain today. The same case applies to the next generation of Steemians and the next after that. Although the difference is with each subsequent generation, the users that decide to stick around are increasing in number.

So going back to my analogy. When the tide rolls in, this is like the next wave of Steemians arriving to the platform, but as it washes out again, there will always be those that stay clinging on to the beach. And on a further note, those that do leave and power down, will have that surplus STEEM gobbled up on the exchange by the people who really do believe in the blockchain and want to grow their status, branding and account on here. Before you know it, enough tides have come and gone that inadvertently have built up a respectable number who also refuse to budge from that beach. What to you know, a strong community has just been formed!

That’s how I see it. Let whoever wants to power down, do so. Far be it from me to convince anybody to stay here and be coerced into believing in what is being built here. It’s entirely up to their personal discretion. In fact, without meaning to offend, it’s good they leave. I’m sure all that surplus STEEM will eventually flow back into the right hands. I’m under no false pretenses that it’ll take a while for this lengthy process to play out, but I’m also in no hurry either. Stuff is happening in the background and enough to make me envision a future where everything that is being built just simply “fits” together, like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. Sure, I can definitely see things working out. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t.

So I say let the powerdowners leave. There is big money waiting in the wings to be invested into crypto. And if we have an overall product worthy of external funding, the amount flowing in will far outweigh anything coming out. As we can clearly see with the state of affairs regarding crypto markets in general, the time just ain’t right at the moment. The eyes aren’t looking this direction. When they do, incredible things can happen. Remember, we have a tiny market cap too. A small amount of investment can have stratospheric consequences for us. Till then, do as you see fit on the blockchain and let the cards fall where they may. Until the “real” time comes around…


Hope you enjoyed this post, please look out for more on the way… (author: @ezzy)

Source: https://steemit.com/steem/@ezzy/the-constantly-shifting-tides-of-the-steem-blockchain


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