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Tag: zero

RPA in Call Centers – Business Cases & Benefits

Fundamentally, RPA or Robotic Process Automation is ‘Process Automation’, which is not a recent concept. Organizations have always looked for means to improve...

Steemauto – Free and unlimited automation service on the Steem blockchain! #109

Thanks for your non-stop support. Soon I will publish about coming updates. What is Steemauto? Steemauto is developed to help steem users in many ways....

Steemauto – Free and unlimited automation service on the Steem blockchain! #103

Thanks for your non-stop support. Soon I will publish about coming updates. What is Steemauto? Steemauto is developed to help steem users in many ways....

Wendy McElroy: From Drugs to Gold and Prostitution, the Blockchain Minimizes Violence | Crypto News Monitor | The #1 Cryptocurrency News Source

This article was originally posted on Bitcoin News - delivering news related to the Bitcoin network from multiple locations around the world. For...

WORBLI Merges Traditional Banking With Blockchain as it Announces Commencement of Token Airdrop

Advertisement Brave, a browser that improves browsing speed by eliminating unwanted ads, has announced a new blockchain-based digital advertising platform using an Ethereum-based...

Reviews, reviewed: the great ratings hoax

It’s 102 minutes of nothing interesting happening AT ALL. What happens in this movie? Is there anything interesting happening at all that anybody...

What is Email Security?

Reading Time: 4 minutesEmails have been the easiest and quick mode of communication be it for personal or for business reasons by far....

Ransomware cripples an Alaskan town

Reading Time: 3 minutes It’s bad enough when ransomware infects an individual’s PC or smartphone. Not having access to locally stored files can really...

Customer Success Content Will Save Your SaaS

All successful business owners know that the key to their success is due to the customer’s satisfaction. The customer always comes first. Being...

North Dakota IPP Team Will Focus on Flights at Night, Over People and Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight

The North Dakota UAS Integration Pilot Program (IPP) Team has announced that it will focus on techniques and technologies that enable safe, routine flights over people, night operations and flights beyond visual line of sight according to a new statement from the Team. Vigilant Aerospace is providing real-time situational awareness, airspace safety and detect-and-avoid services […]

The post North Dakota IPP Team Will Focus on Flights at Night, Over People and Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight appeared first on Vigilant Aerospace Systems, Inc..

What is our Ideal Driverless Future?

I recently attended a FHWA Highway Automation Workshop on AV policy and planning (which was fantastic, fyi). At the end of the two-day workshop, we were tasked with a small group activity: Brainstorm our ideal driverless future. Sky is the … Continue reading

DeepMind papers at ICML 2018

Efficient Neural Audio SynthesisAuthors: Nal Kalchbrenner, Erich Elsen, Karen Simonyan, Seb Nouri, Norman Casagrande, Edward Lockhart, Sander Dieleman, Aaron van den Oord, Koray...

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