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Tag: XR

Top 10 Expectations for Spatial Computing in 2020

29 Dec Top 10 Expectations for Spatial Computing in 2020 It’s that time of year. The end of another...

Human Augmentation & Powerful Problem Solving

16 Dec Human Augmentation & Powerful Problem Solving by Stambol If you could solve any problem in...

How eXtended Reality is Redefining Marketing Promotions for Movie Production Houses

Augmented Reality, (AR) is a disruptive technology and while it is been getting adopted by several...

MIT art installation aims to empower a more discerning public

Videos doctored by artificial intelligence, culturally known as “deepfakes,” are being created and shared by the public at an alarming...

What are the current business barriers to AR adoption & what is being done to overcome them?

In this AREA editorial, we take a look at some of the reasons why some companies are not yet fully embracing the potential...

AugRay Brings First Video XR- enabled Movie Promotion for Jio Studio’s ‘Made in China’

‘Made in China’, an upcoming Bollywood movie produced by Jio Studios is creating a tremendous pre-release...

Migrating to Android 10: When You’ve Had Too Much Dessert

Android 10 is out! 🎉The stable version of Android 10 was released by Google on September 3rd, 2019 and with it, came...

How WebAR will Change Advertising?

Augmented Reality is a naive technology, even if it was first coined in the year 1990....

The Changing Face of Entertainment in the Augmented Reality Era

The world is immersed into Augmented Reality (AR), a trendy technology which refers to computer displays...

Why do brands need to pay attention to Augmented Reality now more than Ever

Augmented Reality is blurring the lines between what is real and what is computer generated by overwhelming...

Broadcast AR (Live AR) the Hottest Trend in Augmented Reality

Imagine if you can interact with your favorite player and are empowered to check out your...

Augmented Reality and the Future of the Automobile Industry

Total2Shares 2 Everyone has an aspiration to buy their own dream car after testing it to the...

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