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Tag: xbrl

This Week in Fintech ending 31 July 2020

This weekly summary from our 9 experts, brings you insights based on their experience as investors, entrepreneurs & executives. To continue receiving This Week...

XBRL: US states reporting, taxonomy development, sustainable finance

Here is our pick of the 3 most important XBRL news stories this week. 1 XBRL reporting by state and local governments The development of...

This Week in Fintech ending 26 June 2020

This weekly summary from our 8 experts, brings you insights based on their experience as investors, entrepreneurs & executives. To continue receiving This Week...

XBRL: the power of algorithmic contracts, ESEF tools & sample report

ESEF is still the topic du jour, but something educational first … 1 The power of algorithmic financial contracts The ACTUS Financial Research Foundation has...

This Week in Fintech ending 19 June 2020

This weekly summary from our 7 experts, brings you insights based on their experience as investors, entrepreneurs & executives. To continue receiving This Week...

XBRL: digital transformation of reporting, systemic approach to non-financial information and ESAP

Today, we share long-form substance about three topical news items.  1 IMA publishes report on digital transformation of compliance and reporting The Institute of Management...

This Week in Fintech ending 12 June 2020

This weekly summary from our 8 experts, brings you insights based on their experience as investors, entrepreneurs & executives. To continue receiving This Week...

XBRL: Nowcasting, restaurants in lockdown and ESG reporting in melt-up

Note; this post was written by Christian Dreyer. It is being posted by the Daily Fintech editor due to a tech snafu –...

This Week in Fintech ending 5 June 2020

This weekly summary from our 7 experts, brings you insights based on their experience as investors, entrepreneurs & executives. To continue receiving This Week...

XBRL: ESEF Conformance Suite, swaps reporting and data collection for sustainability

Here is our pick of the 3 most important XBRL news stories this week. 1 ESEF Conformance Suite event Eurofiling’s traditional conference has moved online...

This Week in Fintech ending 28 May 2020

This weekly summary from our 7 experts, brings you insights based on their experience as investors, entrepreneurs & executives. To continue receiving This Week...

XBRL: EBA framework changes, reporting season in Estonia and Spain

Here is our pick of the 3 most important XBRL news stories this week. 1 BRAG flags upcoming changes in European Banking Authority's reporting...

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