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Tag: workflow

10 Git Techniques You Need to Know Before You Join a Team

Have you been using Git for some time but never in a team environment? Are you familiar with the basics of Git but...

75 Zsh Commands, Plugins, Aliases and Tools

I spend a lot of my day in the terminal, and my shell of choice is Zsh — a highly customizable Unix shell...

How to Design for Screen Readers with Adobe XD CC

When it comes to accessibility, designers tend to focus on colors (i.e. contrast) and UX copy (i.e. wording), whereas developers tend to focus...

3D-printing metal-organic framework solids for high-pressure gas storage and separation

Feb 26, 2020 (Nanowerk Spotlight) Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) rank among the best materials for catalysis, gas storage and gas storage and processing. So...

Build a Simple Beginner App with Node, Bootstrap and MongoDB

If you’re just getting started with Node.js and want to try your hand at building a web app, things can often get a...

Xilinx Champions AI at ISE 2020

Each February, Amsterdam hosts the largest AV and systems integration showcase in the world - Integrated Systems Europe (ISE). Here, the global AV...

Unibright Review: Powering Enterprise Blockchain Adoption

Unibright is a project that has been generating quite a bit of interest recently. So much so that the UBT token has been...

How to Properly Organize Files in Your Codebase & Avoid Mayhem

The main library, data, UI, docs and wiki, tests, legacy and third-party components … How do we keep track and maintain order within...

How to Properly Organize Files in Your Codebase & Avoid Mayhem

The main library, data, UI, docs and wiki, tests, legacy and third-party components … How do we keep track and maintain order within...

What Is Node and When Should I Use It?

So you’ve heard of Node.js, but aren’t quite sure what it is or where it fits into your development workflow. Or maybe you’ve...

Commit Changes to Your Codebase the Right Way

The difference between a good and a bad commit can be huge. It’s no fun having to ask your colleague — or your...

Build a JavaScript Command Line Interface (CLI) with Node.js

As great as Node.js is for “traditional” web applications, its potential uses are far broader. Microservices, REST APIs, tooling, working with the Internet...

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