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Tag: word2vec

Self-supervised Learning: The future of Artificial Intelligence

Concept of Self Supervised Learning Self-supervised models generate implicit labels from unstructured data rather than relying on labeled datasets for supervisory signals. Self-supervised learning (SSL), a...

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What are vector embeddings? | Definition from TechTarget

What are vector embeddings? Vector embeddings are numerical representations that capture the relationships and meaning of words, phrases and other data types. Through...

CoinFund Leads $3.1M Bagel Network Round to Support Next-Gen Data Infra in web3 x AI Stack

Evan Feng·FollowPublished inThe CoinFund Blog·7 min read·23 hours ago--Bagel Network: The Next-Gen Computable Data Layer for AICoinFund is proud to lead a $3.1 million...

Evaluating Methods for Calculating Document Similarity – KDnuggets

Image by Editor Data science is a field that has grown tremendously in the last hundred years because of advancements made in the field of...

A Deep Dive into Qdrant, the Rust-Based Vector Database

Introduction Vector Databases have become the go-to place for storing and indexing the representations of unstructured and structured data. These representations are the vector embeddings...

How to Build LLM Apps Using Vector Database?

Introduction In the field of artificial intelligence, Large Language Models (LLMs) and Generative AI models such as OpenAI’s GPT-4, Anthropic’s Claude 2, Meta’s Llama, Falcon,...

5 Free Data Science Projects With Solutions

Introduction Are you eager to dive into data science and sharpen your skills? Look no further! This article will explore five exciting data science...

Advanced Guide for Natural Language Processing

Introduction Welcome to the transformative world of Natural Language Processing (NLP). Here, the elegance of human language meets the precision of machine intelligence. The unseen...

Guide to Chroma DB | A Vector Store for Your Generative AI LLMs

Introduction Generative Large Language Models like GPT, PaLM, etc are trained on large amounts of data. These models do not take the texts from the...

An Informative Guide to Chroma DB: A Vector Store for Enhancing Your Generative AI LLMs

An Informative Guide to Chroma DB: A Vector Store for Enhancing Your Generative AI LLMsIn the world of artificial intelligence (AI), generative models have...

Step-by-Step Guide to Word2Vec with Gensim

Introduction A few months back, when I initially began working at Office People, I developed an interest in Language Models, particularly Word2Vec. Being a native...

Top 10 Deep Learning Tools You Must Know in 2023

The complex problems in the world of computers and artificial Intelligence need the aid of deep learning tools. The challenges change with time, and...

Tackling Fake News with Machine Learning

Introduction In today’s fast-paced digital world, spreading fake news has become a significant concern. With the increasing ease of access to social media platforms and...

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