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Tag: woman

Bad date? Crowdfunding the travel expenses isn’t the solution

Relationships Bad date? Crowdfunding the travel expenses isn't the solution Good luck to Jade Savage, who has raised £400 this way. But there are easier...

In praise of swearing

He just blurted it out, seemingly out of nowhere, after Ohio representative Tim Ryan challenged him on his knowledge of Medicare for All,...

This Summer, Don’t forget your SPF: Security Protection Framework!

Reading Time: 3 minutesUsually summer means vacation and relaxation. But as we’ve seen in recent history, summer plans can be brutally disrupted when...

Behind the Customer Centric Conference: building an event from scratch

It all started with a newsletter, last August. A weekly bulletin with hand-picked content and insights for the CX leaders who seek to...

Should language be more gender neutral?

Back in 1986, Whoopi Goldberg said in an interview for NBC: “An actress can only play a woman. I’m an actor – I...

Why are they all women?

Present-day digital assistants keep our diaries in order, give us directions and take care of our correspondence. They are, first and foremost, virtual...

Woman in Crypto – The Most Influential Ladies in Blockchain Space

We are all about diversity in the crypto and blockchain space – so we made a list of the woman in crypto who...

98 Percent of VC Funding Goes to Men. Can Women Entrepreneurs Change a Sexist System?

October 23, 2018 12 min read This story was originally published on June 29, 2018, and has been...

Entrepreneur Elevator Pitch Season 3 Episode 3: Circus Act or Class Act?

Every founder who pitches on our weekly show has their own style. But the investors' decisions ultimately boil down to whether a business...

Women driving Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Innovation in New Zealand

Over the past 4 months, I have engaged my curiosity about blockchain and the implications for life as we know it, in New...

Improving customer support through self-service. Here’s how to get it right.

You could say that at one point FAQs were rocket science. That’s because they were brought online by NASA, in 1982. (As a...

Viewpoint: Why racism in US is worse than in Europe

Media playback is unsupported on your device Last week in New York City, a black lawyer and he r 19-year-old daughter were...

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