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Tag: White House

Coronavirus crisis sees UK investor buy £1m of Swiss gold by smartphone

Eurozone investors lead gold rush at leading gold investor site as equities slump Trading volumes +173% as bullion price sets new GBP + EUR...

Elizabeth Warren Might Have the Best Marijuana Legalization Plan Yet.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) unveiled a plan for federal marijuana reform on Sunday, calling for legalization as well as a series of policies...

Trump signs emergency coronavirus package, injecting $8.3 billion into efforts to fight the outbreak

Reuters President Donald Trump signed on Friday a sweeping emergency package to combat the coronavirus. The move injected billions into government efforts to contain an...

Telecom firms urge FCC flexibility as carriers replace Chinese equipment

The U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation on Wednesday held a hearing where officials from leading tech and telecom firms...

Chorus rises for Andrew Yang Bloomberg VP selection

Rumors about Andrew Yang Bloomberg Vice president nomination are doing the rounds as Michael Bloomberg, the presidential candidate, has expressed his support...

As Fed Contemplates Coronavirus-Prompted Easing, Bitcoin Traders Bet on Halving

U.S. stocks continue to reel over coronavirus-related fears, and investors are increasingly betting the Federal Reserve will slash interest rates to stabilize the...

Why were the NBA and Walmart using Clearview AI?

A leaked list of Clearview AI’s clients shows that the controversial company’s facial recognition software has spread way beyond law enforcement, into household names...

Why are the NBA and Walmart using Clearview AI?

A leaked list of Clearview AI’s clients shows that the controversial company’s facial recognition software has spread way beyond law enforcement, into household names...

Computer scientists’ new tool fools hackers into sharing keys for better cybersecurity

Instead of blocking hackers, a new cybersecurity defense approach developed by University of Texas at Dallas computer scientists actually welcomes them. The method, called...

Good news, everyone: The US military says it will be ethically minded about how it develops AI

Whew! Defense dept will 'detect and avoid unintended consequences' - so that's fine, right? The US Department of Defense has formally adopted a...

Chief technical counsel for blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis returns to FinCEN

Michael Mosier has returned to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) after a stint as chief technical counsel for blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis. <p...

Automotive IQ Guides: Autonomous Cars

After the initial euphoric predictions of mass adoption of self-driving cars by 2025, the industry, regulators and consumers are taking a step back...

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