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Tag: wet

Introducing Custom Material Variants and New Enhancements to Materials

On the left is a scene rendered with our old materials. On the right is the same scene with our newly enhanced materials, our...

The Minimum Viable Change

To effectively integrate a data team into a biotech organization, you need to simultaneously build the technical infrastructure that will allow them to work...

What To Do If Your Weed Gets Wet Or Is Just Too Moist

This article originally appeared on Cannabis.net and has been reposted with permission. It often happens that you find your weed moist or it accidentally gets...

Barnacle-inspired glue helps stem rapid blood loss

March 2022 By Karie Bate, freelance writer For the past decade, MIT research scientist and engineer Hyunwoo Yuk has been working to prevent 2 million people...

NFTs and Exclusive Experiences – Stambol

01 Jan NFTs and Exclusive Experiences by Stambol The world of NFTs has exploded in the last year....

Voetballers die zelf gokken: geen goede combinatie

Het was een tijd geleden groot nieuws: een AZ-speler die zelf gokte op voetbalwedstrijden. Het bleek uiteindelijk te gaan om Jordy Clasie, de middenvelder...

Comparing RTK Drone Elevation Maps to ATV/SXS Collected Topo – Green Aero Tech

Comparing RTK Drone Elevation Maps to ATV/SXS Collected Topo                         At Green Aero Tech...

Pre-Soaking in Water Germination Technique

A common germination method for cannabis is to soak the seed overnight in a glass of water that is at room temperature because this...

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