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Tag: weight gain

9 Proven Ways on How to Stop the Munchies | Tested Solutions

Cannabis could save the world one day. It has so many positive attributes and brings so many people together – but there is that...

Plant-based living: the benefits of plant-based products and how to switch to a plant-based lifestyle

plant-based living involves eating a diet high in whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and legumes.Eating straightforward, natural, wholesome meals that are...

Does Diabetes Cause Weight Gain? Interesting Facts

As we know, Diabetes is a metabolic disorder that occurs when the body does not produce enough insulin or cannot use the insulin efficiently.But...

How To Introduce CBD To Your Pet: Exclusive Interview With Scott Mazza, COO Of Vitality CBD

Did you know that one in five dogs have canine arthritis?While this disease commonly affects older dogs and larger breeds like German shepherds, Labs, Golden retrievers and mixtures thereof,...

4 Benefits Of Incorporating Cannabis Into Your Fitness Routine

With some states legalizing the use of cannabis, the social stigma on the subject may start to loosen up. Today, cannabis seems to have...

5 Signs That It Is Time For A Cannabis Detox

With winter and the holidays fast approaching, elastic waisted sweat pants and mid-afternoon sunsets have also reemerged. The dawn of the holiday season not...

Can cannabis help you lose weight?

Can cannabis help you lose weight? | Leafly ...

Obesity Of Cars: The New Challenge Of The Industry

Listen to this article The automotive industry is slowly adopting electrification as the most likely transportation solution in the coming...

A New Sperm-Blocking Male Birth Control Method Is Being Put to the Test

Women have far more control over their bodies today than we did before the pill was invented. But reproduction is a two-player game, and women still carry a far greater burden than men when it comes to preventing unwanted pregnancy. A Virginia-based startup called Contraline is hoping to change this. The company developed a new […]

Eating Dinner At This Time Is Best For Weight Loss, Finds New Study

Eating late has long been linked with weight gain, without much knowledge as to why. Now, a new study might explain why this happens,...

CBD & Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) – GreenWellnessLife.com

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder? If you have not heard of seasonal affective disorder (SAD), you likely live in a temperate climate. Here in Michigan,...

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