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Tag: weight gain

McLaren Artura Spider First Drive Review: Plug-in hybrid supercar drops its top – Autoblog

MONACO – The easy way to turn the McLaren Artura into a convertible would have been to chop off the coupe’s roof and call...

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Identifying Addiction: Signs of Marijuana Dependency

These days, a lot of people are looking into using cannabis (aka marijuana) for medical purposes to treat their different health issues. However, the...

What About Experimenting With Marijuana

All of Canada and over 50% of the US have access to legal cannabis, and people seem to have changed their opinion about it....

Beer Sales Flatten Thanks To Marijuana

Observations gave an indication in California, but now Canada has the data. Legal marijuana is taking some of the foam and market share from...

“The Importance of Proper Nutrition for Optimal Health and Well-being”

The Importance of Proper Nutrition for Optimal Health and Well-being Proper nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining optimal health and well-being. It is the...

Damp January, Dry January or California Sober

New Year, new you, extra weight, exhaustion from the holidays – all reasons to maybe make a temporary change in January – but what...

Is Cannabis Good or Bad for Your Hair? Does It Help Grow Hair or Lead to Hair Loss?

Whether used for recreation or medicinal purposes, an abundance of scientific and anecdotal evidence indicates that marijuana possesses properties with potential anti-anxiety, anti-psychotic, and...

Why You Get The Drunchies After Drinking

After a night of drinking, Taco Bell, pizza or whatever is leftover in the fridge looks amazing and finds it way into your belly....

Marijuana Can Make Your Holidays Better

It is a fun time of year, everyone in good cheer, holiday events, special food, and lots of bonding with people we may or...

Wait, A Big Pharma Medical Study Now Says Marijuana is Causing Heart Attacks and Strokes in People That Regularly Use Cannabis?

The cannabis world was taken back by a anti-pot headline claiming cannabis increases your chance of a heart attack or stroke by 34%.  The...

Cannabinoids, diet & metabolism: The science linking food, hunger & cannabinoids

You really are what you eat, Leafly reader. We know that after you smoke weed, you will eat more in the moment—but as it...

Cookies, Chips, Cocaine, and Heroin – Processed Foods Are Just As Addictive as Deadly Drugs Say New Medical Study

Do you have a a processed food addiction? Fresh research has revealed that highly processed foods possess a level of addictiveness on par with...

No Need To Get High To Benefit From THC

As science delves deeper into the cannabis plant more medical properties are revealed. Historical, the plant has been used for medicine in a variety...

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