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Tag: vaccines

COVID-19 Vaccine Notifier Website Alerts Users About Extra Doses…

“This site was launched to be a free service to prevent the waste of extra vaccine doses by connecting verified...

Military to Discharge Soldiers who Refuse Covid-19 Vaccination

If joe Biden gets his wish, the military will soon discharge soldiers who refuse a Covid-19 vaccination. Currently, vaccines are scarce and vaccinations are voluntary, except in certain circumstances. Soldiers wanting the vaccine get it at once, if available, or are placed on a waiting list; those opting out, however, […]

The post Military to Discharge Soldiers who Refuse Covid-19 Vaccination appeared first on Cyber Flows.

Making A Million From Sports Betting And Trading – February 2021 Results

After a strong start to 2021.I was hoping February would bring more of the same.Kids are returning to school, vaccines seem to be...

Big Data industry predictions for 2021

By Daniel Gutierrez 2020 has been year for the ages, with so many domestic and global challenges. But the big data industry has significant inertia...

Silicon Valley’s myths and realities of existential risk

Existential risk has been on many of our minds the past year. Sales of survival goods from food kits to nuclear-proof bunkers are...

Physicians Ponder Telehealth’s Post-Pandemic Future

Last spring, doctors’ offices across the country were eerily quiet. Almost overnight, patients stopped coming in as COVID-19, and the fear that...

Longer Life in Pets puts one Biotech Stock in Huge Demand

Zoetis, a global animal health company released an article titled “The New Science of Cannie Pain” The article is in regard to the current state of disease with regard to osteoarthritis (OA) in 2 out of every 5 dogs and states that it is believed to be greater than 20% and growing as dogs live […]

The post Longer Life in Pets puts one Biotech Stock in Huge Demand appeared first on Exploring the Block.

Blockchain in 2021: Accessibility, Authenticity, and Artificial Intelligence (AI)

With the usher of the New Year 2021, it promises a new age wave for many industries in particular, and blockchain is no different. With several studies and forecasts, the blockchain industry in 2021 offers varied promising benefits and ways more than one. The past year was a year of disruption marked with a number […]

The post Blockchain in 2021: Accessibility, Authenticity, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) first appeared on Blockchain Consultants.

COVID-19 Vaccine Doses: Who’s Got At Least One?

Note: Use the “Add Country” (top left) function to add countries to the list. This visualization updates regularly. COVID-19 Vaccine Doses: Who’s Got At...

US House passes new stimulus bill, new vaccine on the way

House Democrats recently passed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan. The voting took place on Saturday morning. The new plan envisages a third...

First single-shot, “fridge stable” COVID-19 vaccine approved in US

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a third COVID-19 vaccine for emergency use in the United States. Unlike the first...

Iberia reports an operating loss of €1.4 billion in 2020

Following a catastrophic 2020 for the airline industry, companies are now evaluating the aftermath of the world pandemic to set the basis for...

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