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Tag: Universal

Is transit ridership loss inevitable? A U.S.–France comparison

» The number of riders using transit in the U.S. continues to decline. But a comparison with French cities shows that the American...

Made for you: enjoy new discoveries about contact center AI innovation

If you are on Spotify, you’re probably familiar with the Discover Weekly playlist. Every Monday, you get a playlist with new music, based...

Microsoft Uses Bitcoin’s Blockchain

Microsoft is building an ID verification platform on Bitcoin's platform. They use the blockchain technology to create a trustful digital identity scheme....

What’s the hype about an omnichannel strategy?

A while back, I attended the Omnichannel Exec Forum in our hometown of Lisbon.I know, I know. This event happened in March and...

How Formal Verification Alleviates the Dark Sides of RISC-V Cores?

Verification is the process of reviewing, inspecting, or testing hardware design in order to get the desired output. The whole process revolves around...

Announcing the 2019 Summer Unplug Retreat 🏔

June 26th-29th, Val di Rabbi, ItalyStefano Bernardi·FollowPublished inToken Economy·4 min read·Apr 16, 2019--TL;DR: Unplug 2019. June 26th-29th. The best people in crypto. Request invite...

Blockchain Is Reshaping Us.

Nowadays, if you are watching the news about Bitcoin or cryptocurrency you would notice the progress Blockchain and how it is affecting major...

Finding your (non-)voice — the move to a written customer experience

I’ll make this short: The thing you’re doing now, reading prose on a screen, is going out of fashion.An article on the New...

One language to rule them all. Or not.

It’s easy to say that we focus more on the future than on the past. It’s not entirely true, of course, and focusing...

Prodigy chip brainiacs Tachyum hook up with Euro HPC consortium

Silicon design startup Tachyum has joined the Open Euro High Performance Computing Project (OEUHPC), a consortium that aims to "democratise" supercomputing by building...

How to make sure you are protected against digital services shutdown

The next couple of months are going to be very interesting.But why?Well, because in these next couple of months alone we will see...

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