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Tag: Universal

Deep Double Descent

We show that the double descent phenomenon occurs in CNNs, ResNets, and transformers: performance first improves, then gets worse, and then improves again...

The Road to TEDx

This article is written by Daryl Hatton, CEO of FundRazr. Daryl was invited to give a TEDx talk on the topic “Philanthropy as...

Milestone in quantum standardization

Researchers at the University of Waterloo have developed a method that could pave the way to establishing universal standards for measuring the performance...

Safety Gym

We're releasing Safety Gym, a suite of environments and tools for measuring progress towards reinforcement learning agents that respect safety constraints while training....

How Secure is Your Network?

Reading Time: 3 minutesIf the last five years have taught us anything, it’s that cybersecurity should always be a primary concern for every...

Bitcoin Cash Wallets: Top 10 Safest Places to Store BCH

Bitcoin Cash is the most famous Bitcoin fork there is. Officially launched in August of 2017, this cryptocurrency is forging its own road...

AI’s Energy Problem (and what we have done about it) – Part 1

This is a guest post from Quenton Hall, AI System Architect for Industrial, Scientific and Medical applications.  In 2014, Stanford Professor Mark Horowitz published a paper...

Automate post-disaster check using drones to foster offline communication

Drones have become essential tools for first responders in search-and-rescue missions. Learn how to leverage the Watson Visual Recognition service to detect and tag S.O.S. messages from aerial images.

Nano Review: Instant, Zero Fees and Scalable

Nano is probably one of the most promising “payment” cryptocurrencies in the altcoin space today. The coin makes use of some really advanced technologies...

Cannabis Concentrates Guide: THC Oils, Hash, Wax, Shatter & Dabs

Chapter 1: Defining Cannabis Concentrates Cannabis concentrates are as diverse as they are potent. There are so many different types of concentrates, and every year there is always a new marijuana concentrate released so it’s hard to keep them all straight. From kief to oils, hashish to shatter, it can be overwhelming to consider trying

Keep reading..

The post Cannabis Concentrates Guide: THC Oils, Hash, Wax, Shatter & Dabs appeared first on Colorado Cannabis Tours and 420 Hotels.

Crowdfunding defibrillators: saving lives in our communities

All Spacehive projects deliver something of tangible benefit to the local area: a new playground, a festival, or a mural, for example. The benefits...

THE GAME of Kickstarter Launch Serialization with Writer/ Producer Charlie Stickney

White Ash and The Game creator Charlie Stickney returns to the ComixLaunch podcast to share insights from his successful launches over the past...

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