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Tag: union

React with TypeScript: Best Practices

React and TypeScript are two awesome technologies used by a lot of developers these days. Knowing how to do things can get tricky,...

Filecoin Review: Decentralised Blockchain Based Storage Network

You may be forgiven for forgetting about Filecoin, the $257 million mega ICO of 2017. However, this project is silently making development strides. This...

The 14 languages that you’ll need to support this decade

Back in 1997, the same year Titanic hit the theaters, 80% of all pages on the World Wide Web were in English. Fast...

Oracle and Microsoft Expand Cloud Partnership to Serve Customers in Canada

Microsoft and Oracle plan to make the direct interconnect available in additional regions, including on the US West Coast, in a US Government...

Pulitzer Prize Winners’ New Book Is Required Reading For Social Entrepreneurs

This post was originally produced for Forbes. Download the podcast via Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Spotify. Pulitzer Prize Winners Nicholas Kristof and Cheryl...

What is Stellar? | The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

Stellar is an open platform for building financial products that connect banks, people, and payment networks everywhere. Founded by an accomplished crypto entrepreneur...

Why Collaboration is Critical Between Policy and Tech Communities

Interview with the experts at Chamber of Digital Commerce,  Initially Published by ConsenSys Media: Trends in Tokenization with the EEA and Chamber of Digital Commerce The Chamber of Digital Commerce, the world’s largest trade association representing the blockchain industry, alongside the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA), a collaborative cross-industry effort created to advance enterprise blockchain technology, recently announced [...]

The post Why Collaboration is Critical Between Policy and Tech Communities appeared first on Enterprise Ethereum Alliance.

Clothes & apparel – risky business or a fashionable investment?

Clothes are a basic necessity, but what should you know before investing in the industry? We decided to take a look in this...

Unions in SystemVerilog

Basic Unions A union in SystemVerilog is simply a signal that can be referenced with different names and aspect ratios. The way this works...

How to Survive a Launch Freefall

What do you do when it feels like the bottom has fallen out of your launch and failure is imminent? Whether you’re a...

When the Loss of Jobs Requires Transit Employers to Provide Advance Notification

The previous installment in our series on labor law issues for the transit employer considering automation discussed the Federal Transit Act.  That Act, in part, requires advance notice of proposed changes that may result in the dismissal or displacement of employees, or rearrangement of the working forces covered by the agreement as a result of projects subject to the Act.  This final installment discusses notice requirements under other laws and agreements.

Employee Protections Under the Federal Transit Act – What Transit Employers Need to Know

As part of our series on labor law issues for the transit employer considering automation, we turn now to the Federal Transit Act.  

In order to acquire, improve or operate a mass transit system, perhaps as part of an effort to automate, a transit authority may seek a construction grant or loan from the U.S. Department of Transportation's Federal Transit Authority (FTA) under the Federal Transit Act.  The Act requires, as a precondition to receiving a grant or loan, that an applicant enter into a “protective arrangement” with the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) that provides for the preservation of certain employment rights and benefits of mass transit workers. 

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