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Tag: treatment

Congress approves bills that will expand medical marijuana access for veterans

March 16, 2020 by AggregatedNews Leave a Comment The bills would allow VA doctors to recommend medical marijuana prescriptions to patients while another...

Defining the Next Generation: An Xbox Series X Technology Glossary

As we enter a new generation of console gaming with Xbox Series X, we’ve made a number of technology advancements across hardware and...

Study: Medical Marijuana Improves Quality Of Life In Fibromyalgia Patients

In the past, fibromyalgia patients turned to medical marijuana to alleviate chronic pain symptoms associated with the mysterious illness. Fibromyalgia causes general fatigue,...

Litecoin Holders can Earn Interest Through the Edge Wallet

A lot of changes are coming to the cryptocurrency industry. Most of these developments are coming from within, as earning interest on...

THC cap for medical marijuana patients under 21 dies in Florida House https://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/marijuana/article241175681.html#storylink=cpy

In the waning hours of the 2020 legislative session, a contentious provision that would have established a potency cap of 10% THC for...

THC cap for medical marijuana patients under 21 dies in Florida House

In the waning hours of the 2020 legislative session, a contentious provision that would have established a potency cap of 10% THC for...

Alabama Senate Approves Medical Cannabis Legalization Bill

Alabama is one step closer to legalizing medical marijuana after the state senate approved a bill this week to permit the treatment for...

House committee advances medical marijuana bills for veterans

The House Veterans’ Affairs Committee on Thursday advanced two bills related to medical marijuana use for veterans.The first measure, sponsored by Rep. Lou Correa (D-Calif.),...

The Future of Marijuana Testing In College Sports

The world of sports is changing its tune on marijuana. Under the new proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement, NFL players will no longer be...

Congress Approves Bills That Will Expand Medical Marijuana Acess For Veterans

A pair of key bills that could expand veterans’ access to medical marijuana passed in a House Committee this week. One piece of...

AI Employed to Model Progression, Research Drugs, Therapies to Fight Coronavirus

By John P. Desmond, AI Trends Editor AI is being used on multiple fronts to combat the coronavirus (COVID-19), including for...

House Panel Advances Medical Marijuana For Veterans Bills

Two bills that would change federal policy regarding the medicinal use of cannabis by military veterans were approved by the House Veterans Affairs...

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