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Tag: transportation

Hemp CBD Across State Lines: Oregon

The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 (2018 Farm Bill) legalized hemp by removing the crop and its derivatives from the definition of marijuana...

DP World deploys disruptive technologies to rev up digital transformation journey

Dubai-based ports operator DP World is harnessing disruptive technologies in a bid to strengthen its logistics infrastructure and diversifying its portfolio to better serve the dynamic...


Crypto Kids Camp and Blockchain at Pepperdine will immerse children in technologies such as Blockchain, Crypto, AI, ML, DApps, Robotics, Cyber Security,...

Sweden Could be the Next Major Cryptocurrency Market

Feb 27, 2020 at 12:32 // News Almost half of the country's retailers forecast that Sweden will completely stop...

Dominoes fall- business disruption and risk management in the COVID 19 environment

It’s clear there is much of which to be concerned regarding novel Coronavirus 2019 (aka COVID 19), including  the direct impact of illness...

The winners of the 2020 SC Awards Honored in the U.S.

Trust AwardBest Authentication TechnologyForgeRockForgeRock Identity Platform All journeys have a beginning, middle and an end, and it’s the job of the ForgeRock Identity Platform to...

How many times do we have to say this? A Tesla isn’t a self-driving car, say investigators after Apple man’s fatal crash

'It's time to stop pretending they have driverless cars. Because they don't' The deadly crash of an Apple engineer's Tesla was down to...

How many times do we have to tell you? A Tesla isn’t a self-driving car, say investigators after Apple man’s fatal crash

'It's time to stop pretending they have driverless cars. Because they don't' The deadly crash of an Apple engineer's Tesla was down to...

Creativity and Sport on the Global Stage

What to expect at the Games A long-time leader in technology and innovation, Japan as host to the summer Olympics has an unparalleled opportunity...

Automotive IQ Guides: Autonomous Cars

After the initial euphoric predictions of mass adoption of self-driving cars by 2025, the industry, regulators and consumers are taking a step back...

Dubai- the world capital of blockchain development

Mediawire Smart Dubai also revealed that the Dubai Blockchain Strategy has played a key role in encouraging international Blockchain and Fintech firms, such...

Unibright Review: Powering Enterprise Blockchain Adoption

Unibright is a project that has been generating quite a bit of interest recently. So much so that the UBT token has been...

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