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Tag: threats

Top Blockchain Conferences & Events in 2019

There are many in the crypto community who believe 2019 is going to be the most exciting year ever for blockchain, and for...

The 3 Greatest Valentine’s Day Cyber Threats

Reading Time: 3 minutesValentine’s Day is a boon to restaurants, retailers, flower shops, online dating sites – and cyber hackers. That’s because consumers’ defenses...

13 major Artificial Intelligence trends to watch for in 2019

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the peculiar ability to simultaneously amaze, enthrall, leave us gasping and intimidate. The possibilities of AI are innumerable and...

Comodo AEP Named Best Ransomware Protection in 2018 Cybersecurity Excellence Awards

Reading Time: 2 minutesComodo AEP is selected as the best ransomware protection program in 2018 cyber security excellence awards. Comodo Advanced Endpoint Protection...

Shodan: The IoT search engine (What is it?)

Shodan? What is it? How does it work? Do you need it? Is Shodan the Internet of Things search engine that everyone needs but...

Ethereum Classic (ETC) Develops Alert System to Detect Threats on the Blockchain | Crypto News Monitor | The #1 Cryptocurrency News Source

This article was originally posted on Ethereum World News - an independent news provider covereing Ethereum, Bitcoin, Ripple, Litecoin dApps, start-off ICO’s and the...

Tech Firm Run by Doctors Turns to the Blockchain for Fighting Healthcare Fraud

Healthcare industry is one of the most vital sectors of all. This is because, it fights for the survival of human race and...

Top anti-spam email filters for Thunderbird to keep your inbox clean

Reading Time: 4 minutesEmail inboxes are constantly bombarded with spam mails. It does not just occupy the email bandwidth, however, it also brings...

How to Clean a Hacked Joomla WebSite

Reading Time: 3 minutes How to Clean a Hacked Joomla! Site If your website host or browser has blocked your Joomla! website – it means...

Reviews, reviewed: the great ratings hoax

It’s 102 minutes of nothing interesting happening AT ALL. What happens in this movie? Is there anything interesting happening at all that anybody...

Public health guidance in brief on HIV, hepatitis B and C testing in the EU/EEA

This guidance provides EU/EEA countries with the latest scientific evidence to help develop, implement, improve, monitor and evaluate national or local HIV,...

Can AI fix fake news?

Bat-winged humanoids, blue-skinned goats, bipedal tailless beavers, a temple made of sapphire — these were some of the sights witnessed by Sir John...

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