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Tag: THC

The use of CBD against muscle pain

CBD can help with a variety of ailments and pains, but what about

muscle pain

? There are several ways to relax your muscles and help them to recover. You can give your muscles rest and you can use special compression tape or take an ice bath. But more athletes use CBD, why is that?

Recovering muscles is part of sports. If you have made an effort, then comes the time for relaxation. And it doesn't matter if you are an amateur athlete or a top athlete. Your muscles will have to recover. A good recovery prevents injuries and it ensures that you can train again afterward. Muscle pain can be very severe, some people suffer more from it than others. It is wise to handle it in the best possible way, and CBD can play a role in this.

Muscle strain

muscle strain

Suppose you do bodybuilding, you want the muscle mass to increase. This is called hypertrophy. Muscles must work with a certain intensity to increase muscle mass and that causes small cracks in the muscles. Training actually causes damage to your muscles, and that ensures that your body has to take action. Your body makes the muscles stronger in order to prevent more damage. The increase in muscle mass is therefore actually a reaction of the body to prevent from more damage.

Muscle pain after exercise is caused by muscle damage. The body repairs itself in response to this. The body is adjusted to this, but the physical pain can be very annoying and can mess up and delay your training schedule. Compression and ice can cause the blood supply to temporarily decrease. This will reduce the feeling of cramping and pain. Molecules that cause the inflammation cannot reach that place well either, so this speeds up the period the body needs for recovery and healing.


For many people with muscle pain, the use of CBD is a good solution. CBD can be consumed in many different ways. The cannabis industry keeps coming up with innovative ways to consume CBD. Smoking or vaping is one of the options, but athletes prefer not to choose this because it can be harmful to the lungs. In addition to smoking or vaping, you can also take CBD through tinctures, capsules or oil. Through all these methods, the CBD enters your bloodstream quickly, so that muscle pain diminishes quickly. It is also possible to apply a lotion or cream that is enriched with CBD directly on the muscles. A massage with CBD oil provides deep relaxation. CBD is also added to a huge number of other products, such as juices, coffee, salads, and smoothies. So there is always a way that you like.

High CBD strains

With the increasing popularity of CBD, the popularity of CBD strains is also increasing. There are cannabis buds for sale where the ratio of CBD and THC is 1: 1 or 2: 1. But there are also strains with a very high CBD percentage and a very low THC value.

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Searching for a high CBD strain to relax your muscles and reduce muscle pain?


SunRocks and MoonRocks

Are you ready for a trip outer space? Because that is what sunrocks and moonrocks are all about. If you smoke a blunt or joint, you can sometimes go as high as a kite, but moonrocks and sun rocks send you on a trip right through the atmosphere! These extraterrestrial cannabis delicacies are made by rolling cannabis buds through the oil and then applying a layer of kief (weed dust). The effects are insane. You go really hard on these babies!

Potheads are always looking for new ways to get more out of their weed. They are always looking for new ways to upgrade their existing flower tops and provide them with a higher THC content. One of the solutions is to make MoonRocks or SunRocks. How does that work? We will explain that in a moment. And then you will also see that you can make it quite easily by yourself. Oh yes, and we'll explain something else to you. Namely, that these extraterrestrial delicacies are extremely powerful. This one is a warning!

With moonrocks, you are launched directly to the moon and it will take a long time before you get your feet back on planet earth. Few concentrates are that strong. So know what you are starting! Even cannabis connoisseur and rapper Snoop Dog has said in an interview that he thinks moonrocks are too strong. And we all know, Snoop has the experience to know so.

About MoonRocks


Moonrocks are weed buds that are covered with a layer of cannabis oil. BHO (Butane Hashish Oil) is often used, or a type of liquid wax concentrate. The oil-sprinkled bud is then dipped or rolled in the Kief (weed dust). Compare it with a delicious chicken nugget! Different types of cannabis buds and liquid concentrates can be used to make a moon rock. It depends on the desired taste and strength. If you put this space nugget in your pipe and light it, you'll land on the moon in a matter of seconds.

What about sunrocks?

Why sunrocks? Because it can always be better and more special and way stronger! A sunrocks is the same as a moonrock, but only first-class products are used. Sunrocks are high-quality moonrocks. Usually, they are also stronger in effect, but that is not necessary. The experience is different because you know that you are dealing with the best of the best. A sun rock is made just like a moonrock, by covering a top with concentrate and then sprinkling it with Kief.

The sun rocks from Apollo from California are very popular. OG Kush is usually used for the buds. And those are dipped in a high-quality cannabis concentrate, and after that, it is finished with a thick layer of Kief. How strong they are? Don't freak out. Better sit down for a moment. Are you ready for it? These spacy rocks have THC percentages of 60 to 80%. Yes, you understood correctly: 80%. That is astronomically high and way too much for the average stoner.

Have you ever been on a trip to the moon?

Want to make a moonrock yourself? Use OG Kush

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2019 is the Year of THCV

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