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Tag: Terrorism

FATF Keeps Philippines on Grey List, Cites Need for Further AML/CFT Improvements

On Friday, the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), a global financial watchdog, confirmed that the Philippines remains on its “grey list” of jurisdictions under...

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What is Decentralized AI and Why We Need It ASAP?

When we think of centralized AI gone wrong, imaginative readers may begin to conjure images of a society ruled by artificial general intelligence-powered robot...

US to vacate first air base within weeks as it withdraws from Niger

The U.S. will have fully cleared out of one air base in Niger as it continues to move personnel and equipment from the African...

Integration and Implications of Natural Language Processing in KYC Procedures

In recent years, Know Your Customer (KYC) processes have become increasingly critical for financial institutions and other regulated entities to mitigate risks associated with...

The Importance of Europe-South Korea Security Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific 

The Indo-Pacific region has emerged as a focal point for global strategic interests, necessitating robust security cooperation among like-minded nations. The partnership between South...

Insights from the Tokenization Report Act of 2024 Hearing

Tokenization | Jun 11, 2024 Image: Tokenization of RWA Tokenization Report Act of 2024 (youtube)US Congress considers the regulatory challenges and benefits of tokenizationOn...

What people don’t get about space 

When people think of space, people think of stars, the infinite universe, the elite club of astronauts that are lucky enough to see the...

SkyCity to Pay AU$67m Fine for Casino Money Laundering

The Federal Court has ordered SkyCity to pay an AU$67m (US$44.6m) fine for failing to prevent major money laundering from taking place at its...

New Law Gives US President Power to Block Digital Asset Access

A new U.S. law has granted the president unprecedented authority to block access to digital assets, causing widespread concern about its broad implications and...

AI regulators fear getting drowned out by hype of wars

BERLIN — A fighter jet hurtles toward an adversary head-on. Mere moments before a collision, it swerves — but not before dealing a lethal...

U.S. Treasury Warns That NFTs Are Vulnerable To Fraud and Money Laundering – The Defiant

The Treasury Department said NFTs could serve as a vehicle for a variety of illicit activities.The U.S. Treasury Department is sounding the alarm on...

Navigating the new world disorder: Securing the Czech Republic’s future – ACE (Aerospace Central Europe)

From cyber threats to geopolitical shifts, a deep dive into modern security challenges On Monday, May 27, 2024, I attended the conference “Homeland Security and...

6 Facts About How INTERPOL Fights Cybercrime

It takes a complex coordination of law enforcement, judicial processes, and technical capabilities in order to truly disrupt cybercrime. What's more, all of this...

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