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Tag: Tel Aviv University

In Highly Connected Networks, There’s Always a Loop | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionAs mathematical abstractions go, graphs are among the simplest. Scatter a bunch of points in a plane. Connect some of them with lines. That’s...

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X-trodes Receives FDA 510(k) Clearance for Wearable “Skin” Solution that Brings Medical-Grade Electrophysiological Monitoring to the Home | BioSpace

Next-Generation Skin Patch-based Monitoring Platform Enables Complete Freedom of Movement for Patients in Both Healthcare and Home Settings HERZLIYA, Israel, Feb. 20, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --...

The Mysterious Math of Billiards Tables | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionIn Disney’s 1959 film Donald in Mathmagic Land, Donald Duck, inspired by the narrator’s descriptions of the geometry of billiards, energetically strikes the cue...

Using graphene to generate powerful and focused X-rays using electron waveshaping

Jan 26, 2024 (Nanowerk News) Scientists led by Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) have developed and simulated a new energy-efficient way to generate highly...

Botanical Whispers Revealed: The Astonishing Secret World of Plant ‘Screams’!

--Must See-- Do Plants Scream? Botanical Whispers Revealed: The Astonishing Secret World of Plant ‘Screams’! In an astonishing revelation, Scientists have uncovered that plants emit sounds,...

What a Contest of Consciousness Theories Really Proved | Quanta Magazine

IntroductionScience routinely puts forward theories, then batters them with data till only one is left standing. In the fledgling science of consciousness, a dominant...

What is Zcash? ($ZEC) – Asia Crypto Today

In a world teeming with cryptocurrencies, Zcash (ZEC) stands tall with its distinctive privacy-preserving features, setting a new precedent for digital cash....

Candidates for EDEN Dublin 2023 AC Best Research Paper Award

June 16, 2023 Candidates for EDEN Dublin 2023 AC Best Research Paper Award Filed under: virtual school — Michael K. Barbour @...

Cannabis & the Bible | Project CBD

Biblical scholars have written about the role of cannabis as a sacrament in the ancient Near East and Middle East. Archeological evidence confirms the...

A Very Big Small Leap Forward in Graph Theory

IntroductionOn March 15, intriguing seminar announcements sent rumblings through the field of combinatorics, the mathematical study of counting. Three collaborators planned to give coordinated...

How Israel Has Emerged on the Tech Scene (Dennis Buckly)

In our own lifetimes, Israel has emerged as a major world player in tech startups. What makes Israel a Startup Nation? Learn more about...

Tel Aviv University touts satellite launch as key step to reliable quantum communication

By Dan O'Shea posted 05 Jan 2023 Israel’s Tel Aviv University (TAU) announced that its latest nanosatellite, the...

What Are Hypernetworks?

When Stable Diffusion, the AI application rendering photo realistic images shot to prominence a few weeks ago, a new buzzword came along with it;...

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