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Tag: taught

How Bitcoin Will Transform Society’s Understanding Of Energy

Mark Goodwin describes his bitcoin initiation, the relationship between energy and bitcoin and more.

Bitcoin Is Not Democratic Part One: Problems With Democracy

As the concept of “democracy” regresses before our eyes, Bitcoin presents a new way of ordering society and incentivizing progress.

Growing Marijuana In California

Are you confused about the rules on growing weed in California? Still can’t seem to find information about how many weed plants you can grow? I’m pretty sure that is by design. Being that marijuana legalization is still pretty new, in many states the rules are quite vague. I’m no lawyer, but I have gathered ...

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The post Growing Marijuana In California appeared first on I Love Growing Marijuana.

📕 Being a Bias to Action Company; What is Market Churn?; The Sales Development Playbook…

Welcome back to The SaaS Playbook, a bi-weekly rundown of the top articles, tactics, and thought leadership in B2B SaaS. Not a subscriber yet? 🏎️ At a certain scale, companies can start to lose the scrappy, “do whatever it takes to win'' mentality which catapulted them to where they are today. Carta CEO Henry Ward noticed changes within his business in early 2020 which signaled they were slowing down, so he penned a memo to his team

Start your programming journey: Coding bootcamps vs. Self-learning

We'll look into two different methods for learning to program, joining a coding bootcamp or self-learning.

How To Improve Your Programming Skills As Developers and Non-Developers

Find out the best ways for you to improve your programming skills regardless of whether you’re a developer, designer, or a marketing specialist!

The Future of Transportation is Green: A Pollution-Free World

Nowadays, there seems to be no distance we cannot cover. We have cars to take us from towns to nearby cities. Ships to transport heavy cargo across oceans. We also have airplanes to take us from one country to another. […]

The post The Future of Transportation is Green: A Pollution-Free World appeared first on The Environmental Blog.

8 Best Practices to Boost Your First Contact Resolution Rate

FCR reduces churn and turns customers into brand fans, but how do you increase your first call resolution rate? Here some best practices!

The post 8 Best Practices to Boost Your First Contact Resolution Rate appeared first on Inbenta.

Chegg vs. Pearson: Are back-of-chapter answers intellectual property?

A copyright lawsuit raises the question of the embodied value of textbooks.

The post Chegg vs. Pearson: Are back-of-chapter answers intellectual property? appeared first on e-Literate.

Argos: Upcycling Course Design

The reason that courseware has disappointed as a product category is that we failed to understand the product/market fit of the paper textbook.

The post Argos: Upcycling Course Design appeared first on e-Literate.

The EdX Aftermath

MIT and Harvard have damaged their reputations and need to take action to repair them.

The post The EdX Aftermath appeared first on e-Literate.

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