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Tag: Supported

First MultiChain 2.0 preview release

Taking MultiChain streams to a whole new levelToday we’re delighted to share the first preview release of MultiChain 2.0, which implements one major...

Grad students earn Department of Energy computational fellowships

Four first-year graduate students have been awarded U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Computational Science Graduate Fellowships to support their research....

Be a Judge! Support your favorite B.Plan

Espark-Viridian is a startup accelerator for early and growth seeking startups. Headstart is the oldest and largest startup ecosystem development organisations established with the vision of ‘changing the world with entrepreneurship’.Headstart has helped numerous startups showcase their offerings and get feedback on their products. It has facilitated tens of thousands of connections to potential co-founders, customers, vendors, mentors, investors

The post Be a Judge! Support your favorite B.Plan appeared first on Dream Wallets Crowdfunding Blog.

Ubuntu 17.10: a last minute review

October 8, 2017 Vasilis Vryniotis . 3 Comments On October 19 2017, Ubuntu 17.10 will be released and...

Tom Eyre, CEO of nooli

In support of the upcoming FinTech Growth Forum on September 19th, we are delighted to feature a series of profiles with some of the...

Ultracold molecules hold promise for quantum computing

Researchers have taken an important step toward the long-sought goal of a quantum computer, which in theory should be capable...

098 – Know Your Numbers! How to find your Kickstarter KPIs

What’s it actually going to take to get your Kickstarter funded? When you know your numbers and you know what metrics to pay...

Sandwiched between superconductors, graphene adopts exotic electronic states

In normal conductive materials such as silver and copper, electric current flows with varying degrees of resistance, in the form...

Distill: Communicating the science of machine learning

The machine learning community has always embraced new forms of scientific communication. Today, our science and practice is communicated through papers published in...

Adaptation, Adaptation, Adaptation: Why companies trust Unbabel to deliver multi-lingual customer communications

Many big companies like Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, Yandex, eBay and Amazon create and train general purpose Machine Translation (MT) systems, which use billions...

Comodo One. Understanding Service Desk

Reading Time: 40 minutesComodo One. Understanding Service Desk How to add a user in staff panel? The “User Directory” under the “Users” tab lists all...

Datumbox Machine Learning Framework version 0.8.0 released

January 15, 2017 Vasilis Vryniotis . 1 Comment Datumbox Framework v0.8.0 is out and packs several powerful features!...

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