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Tag: Supply Chain Performance

From Zero Visibility to End-to-End Control: 5 Ways to Grow Your Transportation Business with Supply Chain Visibility Software

By implementing supply chain visibility software, DHL significantly improved its customer satisfaction and loyalty. This demonstrates how transparency, proactive management, and reliable service can...

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Is Your Supply Chain Team Still Working Remotely?

Earlier this month, as reported by Katie Burke at CoStar News, UPS announced that beginning March 4 it is requiring all corporate employees to...

Supply Chain New Year’s Resolutions: Things to STOP Doing in 2024

Back in 2017, I wrote a post highlighting four things supply chain and logistics professionals should stop doing in the new year. Since those...

Shifting perspectives: Reframe readiness with a focus on availability

In the complex world of military preparedness and sustainment, metrics are integral to strategic decision-making, resource allocation and fleet health assessments. Traditional readiness measures...

Book Summary of “Good to Great” Applied to Supply Chain.

Book Summary of “Good to Great” Applied to Supply Chain. “Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t” is a...

How to Overcome Supply Chain Disruptions in the Modern World

In today's interconnected world, supply chain disruptions have become a common challenge for businesses across industries. From natural disasters to political unrest and global...

Top 5 Last-mile Delivery Software for 2023

In today’s world, people wish to receive their orders right at their doorstep without the hassle of multiple follow-ups. Last mile delivery software...

Top Supply Chain Strategies to Know.

This is a high level view of the top supply chain strategies people should know. Demand-driven supply chain: This strategy focuses on meeting customer demand,...

What is Strategic Sourcing | Supply Chain Management Principles.

Strategic sourcing is a process that organizations use to identify, qualify, and select suppliers for goods and services. It is a long-term approach to...

Effective Strategies for Optimizing Your Supply Chain to Achieve ECommerce Goals

Effective Strategies for Optimizing Your Supply Chain to Achieve E-commerce GoalsIn today's digital age, e-commerce has become an integral part of many businesses' growth...

The Consequences of Complacency

“If you are not moving forward, you are going backwards”. Early in my career I had a manager who pounded this fact into my...

How supply chain planning works: A general discussion – Schain24.Com

Spread the love Abstract The uncertain nature of the customer demand needs to be taken into consideration by generating the production plan...

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