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Tag: summer

Tech Teams Should Survive Even As The Economy Slows

One recent estimate suggested that US GDP will drop by around 30% in the next quarter. Usually a 5% drop is considered...

The FBI says now is a great time to download its home fitness app

Oh yes officer, please come right in. Image: Jaap Arriens / getty By Jack Morse2020-03-23 23:53:13 UTC We all need a positive...

How I Became a Security Consultant: AbsoluteAppsec Interview

Every so often, podcasts and such will invite me to speak on a variety of topics. And this week, I was very...

2020 Tokyo Olympics Postponed Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

In an unprecedented move, the International Olympic Committee has revealed that this summer's Olympic Games, which were set to take place in Tokyo,...

Thank you for your patients

As Jesse Patterson, an MIT research scientist, and Frank Lovell, a finance industry retiree with a penchant for travel, chatted...

New Mercedes-AMG E63 facelift spotted testing

At the beginning of the month, Mercedes-Benz launched its latest take on the E-class, fettling design to bring it in line with the...

An indoor grill will keep BBQ season alive even during quarantine

Just to let you know, if you buy something featured here, Mashable might earn an affiliate commission. It's the kitchen gadget that...

NERC updates may force utility companies into better cybersecurity

Once implemented, these upcoming regulations will ensure electrical utilities are safer from cyber threats, especially those brought in by third parties.Breaches and...

Bad Boys For Life To Get Early Digital Release Due To Coronavirus

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has caused a huge number of changes to theatrical and home entertainment release schedules. Several movies have had their...

Staten Island Gets First Medical Marijuana Dispensary

Nearly six years since New York legalized medical marijuana, one of the Big Apple’s five boroughs still didn’t have its own dispensary—until now....

Journey Dev Talks About The Need For Less Predatory Microtransactions

Thatgamecompany’s latest game Sky: Children of Light is, like many games in the crowded mobile market, built on a free-to-play model designed...

Hacker selling data of 538 million Weibo users

A Weibo spokesperson did not return a request for comment from ZDNet before this article publication, but the company provided statements to Chinese...

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