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Tag: summer

Back from COVID-19, Johnson urged to reveal UK lockdown exit strategy

LONDON (Reuters) - Prime Minister Boris Johnson returned to his Downing Street residence on Sunday after recovering from COVID-19, ready to take the...

Maryland governor says hundreds of people have called asking about ingesting disinfectant

White House economic adviser Kevin Hassett painted a dire economic picture Sunday for the coming months because of the impact of coronavirus on...

New York governor outlines phased reopening strategy

White House economic adviser Kevin Hassett painted a dire economic picture Sunday for the coming months because of the impact of coronavirus on...

Drone Deliveries, Food Supplies, and More Car News This Week

This week, we talked to people trying to help stem the hurt of the Covid-19 pandemic—with mixed success. One company, Zipline, is using...

Special Report: Countries, companies risk billions in race for coronavirus vaccine

(Reuters) - In the race to develop a vaccine to end the COVID-19 pandemic, governments, charities and Big Pharma firms are sinking billions...

Best moments from CNN and Sesame Street’s coronavirus town hall

"The ABC's of Covid 19: A CNN/Sesame Street Town Hall for Kids and Parents" aired on Saturday morning and tackled issues including education,...

$1 billion startup Rent the Runway has furloughed 35% of its employees. Its future is now in question as coronavirus ravages retail.

Rent the Runway has furloughed roughly 35% of its corporate employees and cut overall headcount as a result of the fallout from the...

Best moments from CNN and Sesame Street’s coronavirus town hall for kids and parents

"The ABC's of Covid 19: A CNN/Sesame Street Town Hall for Kids and Parents" aired on Saturday morning and tackled issues including education,...

How Wall Street giants made the transition to run their sprawling operations remotely — and why it could transform the future of work

The coronavirus sent Wall Street banks scrambling to put in place work from home policies to protect workers and clients and make sure...

Las Vegas mayor says without definitive evidence that the city’s warm weather will allow it to be at the ‘forefront of America’s ‘reopening”

Las Vegas' "dessert heat" will help it slow the spread of the coronavirus and allow it to lift coronavirus lockdowns earlier than other...

Cloud9 breaks LCS Finals curse, 3-0 against FlyQuest

Cloud9 breaks LCS Finals curse, 3-0 against FlyQuest

Cloud9 has lost six straight LCS final until now. The team finally ended their title drought on April 19 in the 2020 Spring Split grand final, beating FlyQuest 3-0. The LCS trophy is the cherry on top of its dominant regular season.
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The Daily Californian

Hyundai Veloster N With New DCT Gearbox Featured In-Depth In Video

Hyundai’s dual-clutch gearbox for the Veloster N was a long time coming. We saw prototypes testing the new eight-speed setup at the Nürburgring...

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