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Tag: Suez Canal

Zero-emission fuel offtake is key to transitioning global shipping

  Increasing demand for globally traded goods looks set to triple volumes of sea freight by mid-century, in a sector that already contributes nearly 3...

India, Egypt To Hold First-Ever Exercises Between Special Forces, Says Egypt’s Ambassador Wael Hamed

India, Egypt To Hold First-Ever Exercises Between Special Forces, Says Egypt's Ambassador Wael Hamed Monday, January 16, 2023 by Indian Defence News New...

Europe Gas Rebounds as Region Seeks to Ensure LNG Keeps Flowing

European natural gas rebounded as traders seek to balance the effects of a warm winter with the need to keep prices high enough to...

Why Container Shipping Needs Digital Standards to Support Global Trade

An estimated 90% of world trade is carried by container shipping, yet manual, paper-based processes continue to dominate key transactions. This makes for slow...

Innovative Transportation Solution Moves Containers Across South America in 30 minutes

What if I told you there was a way to get a container from one side of Northern Colombia to the other in 30...

Safeguarding Supply Chains: How to Protect Your Business!

Supply chains are inherently at risk. Not only are there many moving parts that make a supply chain work, but there are also...

Mind the Gap: Where to Find the Greatest Opportunities for Supply Chain Innovation and Improvement

Editor’s Note: The following is an excerpt of a research report published this week, “Transportation Pulse Report 2023 – Welcome to the Platform Era:...

The role of intelligent data in driving supply chain efficacy

As supply chains in the US and around the world remain tumultuous, facing pandemic closures and labor shortages, supply chain professionals are turning to...

Logistics contracts need the Total Cost of Ownership

Hub transport locations Investment decisions in Logistics are typically made by individual entities for their own policy or profitability reasons. The objective is usually...

The Largest Container Ship in the World Arrived in Rotterdam

The more containers you can fit on a vessel, the lower the cost per container, at least for now. Transporting larger volumes can bring...

Will India Try Again for a Military Base in Seychelles?

AdvertisementNews that China is considering a military base in Madagascar puts in question India’s failure, so far, to secure its own presence on the...

Disruption Denied: How Next-Generation Logistics Create A Resilient Supply Chain

When it comes to efficiency, today’s global supply chain has never been better. In the last 20 years, the size of the container ship...

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