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Tag: student loan debt

Gen Z students worry about AI, student debt, and careers

Key points: When it comes to the future, Gen Z students are worried about how AI will form their career opportunities. More than half of Gen...

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Gen-Smart Banking: Decoding the Financial DNA of Each Generation

2024 brings forth a distinct set of challenges and opportunities for financial institutions. As they chart their course through these dynamic waters, the key lies in...

AI, Cannabis Knowledge, Venmo – How Stoners Can Make Bank in 2024 and Beyond!

How Stoners can make Bank in 2024! These days a buck barely buys half what it used to. Between inflation, greedflation, shrinking wages and bogus...

Consumer lending fintech leaders look ahead to 2024

For our last post of the year, I thought we would do something a little different. I reached out to the CEOs of every...

Student Borrowers are Frustrated. Will Lenders Answer Calls for Transparency?

Most of the economic and social policies that dominated the COVID-19 pandemic era are gone. Masks, vaccine cards, and negative COVID tests are no...

The Significance of University Education for Generational Economic Mobility: Insights from Ross Dawson

The Significance of University Education for Generational Economic Mobility: Insights from Ross DawsonIn today's rapidly changing and competitive job market, a university education has...

IPO Update: Choppy Aftermarket Waters Creates Worries

The post-Labor Day IPO market started with a bang. But that bang turned out to only be a thud. Three high profile companies performed the window-dressing...

Did we reach the peak for mortgage rates this year?

We had a crazy jobs week last week, with tons of data that the Federal Reserve was happy to see, but did those labor...

What Student Loan Debt Means for the American Dream – EdSurge News

On February 20, 1961, the 35th president of the United States, John F. Kennedy, provided a profound message to the U.S. Congress regarding the...

Buying a House When You Have Student Loan Debt – Mortgage Investors Group

If you’re carrying student loan debt, you may wonder if you should pursue homeownership. Well, you’re not alone. There are millions of hopeful...

E-learning revolution: Top education Web3 startups

In today's fast-paced world, the importance of education has never been greater. In a digital revolution where neural networks and artificial intelligence are...

Supreme Court blocking student-debt forgiveness will ‘devastate’ borrowers. No, it would ‘punish’ poor Americans. Who’s right?

The Supreme Court last Friday struck down the Biden administration’s plan to cancel student-loan debt, giving opponents and proponents of loan forgiveness the chance...

Supreme Court ruling on student debt will ‘devastate’ borrowers. No, cancellation would ‘punish’ poor Americans. Who’s right?

The Supreme Court on Friday struck down the Biden administration’s plan to cancel student-loan debt, giving opponents and proponents of loan forgiveness the chance...

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