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Tag: student-friendly

A new teacher’s perspective: Today’s best edtech resources

Key points: This year, I am proud to say I finished my first year as a middle school STEM teacher in rural Montana’s Alberton School...

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Best Astronomy Lessons & Activities

The number of astronomy lessons and activities is nearly as infinite as the cosmos themselves!Space may be the final frontier, but we’re certainly far...

Best Cities to study in Australia for International Students

Table of contents Australia is a popular study destination for international students due to its world-class education system, excellent quality of life,...

Free AI Writing Tools Can Write Essays in Minutes. What Does That Mean for Teachers?

Stanford professors Rob Reich, Mehran Sahami, and Jeremy M. Weinstein are sounding the alarm on a new method for student cheating: AI-generated papers. AI writing...

5 Fun activities for teaching math vocabulary

Success in math isn’t only a matter of numbers; math vocabulary plays a huge role too! For students to gain true mastery of math,...

Top 6 Video Game Development Tools You Can Use

The beauty of video game development has become easily accessible to the general population today. Hence, if you are interested in video game development,...

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