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Tag: stereotypes

Singapore’s Path Forward for Generative AI – Fintech Singapore

by Fintech News Singapore June 19, 2024 The advancement of generative artificial intelligence (gen AI) has opened up new commercial, social, and technological opportunities. However the...

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10 Ways to use Flocabulary in the classroom

There are so many ways to weave Flocabulary into your classroom, and the popularity of hip-hop is just one reason to consider it. Cognitive...

Drugs are Bad, Mmmkay? – The Subjective Morality around Cannabis and Other Drugs

The Subjective Morality of Drugs The question of whether drugs are inherently good or bad has been a topic of debate for centuries. Society often labels...

Military Veteran Cannabis Education Access 💬 | Green CulturED

There’s no industry more resilient and agile than cannabis which makes it fitting for military veterans worldwide as the legalization continues to spread globally....

Industry Stakeholder Comment on Cannabis Rescheduling Proposal

WASHINGTON – Whether it’s a silver bullet, a monumental disappointment, or an inch toward something resembling progress, the cannabis industry’s mixed public opinions about...

X-Men ’97’s Morph actor wants him to find love — just not with Wolverine

Voice performance has become isolating work over the years — these days, for an actor like JP Karliak, a day “on set” is completed...

Does the Easing of Cannabis Laws Mean Marijuana is Now Safer? – WebMD Confuses the Chicken and the Egg on Weed Research

The debate surrounding the legal status of cannabis has been ongoing for decades, with proponents advocating for its rescheduling or complete legalization. Currently, cannabis...

Did the Death of the Lazy Stoner Stereotype Push Cannabis Rescheduling Forward?

The Death of the Lazy Stoner Stereotype https://neurosciencenews.com/attention-cannabis-psychology-25994/ https://www.reddit.com/r/psychology/comments/1cdsuhj/cannabis_users_stay_motivated_lazy_stoner_myth/ For decades, the stereotype of the "lazy stoner" has been deeply ingrained in our collective unconscious, thanks to...

Cannabis Makes Gym Workouts More Fun Says New Fitness Study

New Study Says Cannabis Makes Workouts More Fun Forget Performance-Enhancing ‘Drugs’; Just Smoke Pot Despite the well-known importance of regular exercise, not everyone looks forward to...

Generative AI Landscape In The Mobile App Development Industry

The emergence of Generative Artificial Intelligence (Gen AI) and its intersection with mobile app development has led to remarkable advancements in creativity, personalization, and...

The Importance of Women in Data Management – DATAVERSITY

Despite the increasing participation of women in Data Management (DM) roles, women still confront gender-related challenges throughout their careers. One significant challenge is the...

Google Gemini: How Google’s New AI Can Change Teaching

Google has announced that it has implemented a new form of artificial intelligence for use on varying amounts of data, allowing for the dissemination...

30+ LLM Interview Questions and Answers

Introduction Large Language Models (LLMs) are becoming increasingly valuable tools in data science, generative AI (GenAI), and AI. These complex algorithms enhance human capabilities and...

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