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Tag: Statement

Customer engagement strategies that heed power of social media

The power of social media to alter customer engagement strategies -- for a product rollout, an executive hire, a policy change -- is...

On the ballot in 2018, a clear contrast among those who would move into Governors’ mansions

On the ballot in 2018, a clear contrast among those who would move into Governors’ mansions » On the gubernatorial ballot, Democratic and Republican...

No missed connections: How travel companies are joining forces to improve customer experience

I love traveling more than anything in the world.I realize this isn’t a very unusual statement, but I couldn’t possibly start this blogpost...

Slow your roll: VMware urges admins to apply workarounds to DoS-inducing 3D render vuln

VMware has warned users about an "important" denial-of-service vuln in ESXi, Workstation and Fusion that hinges on a problem with 3D rendering. The...

Did China put hardware backdoors into Apple and Amazon networks?

Reading Time: 5 minutes Bloomberg Businessweek published a shocking and controversial report on October 4th. Supermicro is based in San Jose, California. Although their...

Has California Banned Hemp Derived CBD Products?

HAS CALIFORNIA BANNED CBD IN FOOD? On July 6th 2018, The California Department of Public Health (CDPH), and the Food and Drug...

Pornhub now accepts a cryptocurrency you’ve never heard of

Image: PORNHUB Angela Moscaritolo for PCMag 2018-08-23 18:14:28 UTC Follow @https://twitter.com/PCMag PCMag.com is a leading authority on technology, delivering Labs-based, independent reviews of the latest products...

6 Tips for Driving More Donations Through Your Website

First impressions are important! And your website is the first point of contact many people will have with your nonprofit organization. This is where...

Cryptocurrency Exchange Binance Buys Trust Wallet as its First Public Acquisition

Binance, a major cryptocurrency exchange, announced the purchase of Trust Wallet on July 31. This is Binance’s first...

Ofo and Didi Respond to Acquisition Negotiation Rumors

Ofo dispelled rumors on July 30 that its negotiation with DiDi Chuxing is soon to come to a close. SEE ALSO: Ofo Rode Out...

North Dakota IPP Team Will Focus on Flights at Night, Over People and Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight

The North Dakota UAS Integration Pilot Program (IPP) Team has announced that it will focus on techniques and technologies that enable safe, routine flights over people, night operations and flights beyond visual line of sight according to a new statement from the Team. Vigilant Aerospace is providing real-time situational awareness, airspace safety and detect-and-avoid services […]

The post North Dakota IPP Team Will Focus on Flights at Night, Over People and Beyond Visual Line-of-Sight appeared first on Vigilant Aerospace Systems, Inc..

Ofo to Lay Off 70% of U.S. Workforce and Shut Down Operations in Multiple U.S. Cities

The Chinese bike-sharing startup ofo confirmed with Quartz that the company is laying off employees in its North American marketing, communications, and engineering...

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