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Tag: startup

Universal Health Coin – anonymous, token-based healthcare finance system

Augusta, Georgia-based Universal Health Coin (UHC) is a pre-launch startup building a blockchain-powered utility designed to provide a fair-payment platform for healthcare services. The AI-enhanced...

Weed Is Almost Legal in California. Here’s what you need to know.

Image Source The State of California has been touted as the sixth largest economy in the world. As one of the world’s greatest producers,...

Beyond VC: Funding Options for Early-Stage Startups

It’s that time of year when we’re all staring down the end of the December, wondering where the months have gone. This is...

Why SME Banking is a huge untapped market

When I started The Disruptive Group last year, one of my first tasks – like any entrepreneur – was to open a bank...

Going Global: Mikkel Hippe Brun of Tradeshift

In this new series, Going Global, we’re interviewing leaders from companies of all sizes, who all face the same challenge: how do you...

What are the skills for Finance 2.0? At the Singapore Fintech Festival

Nov 7, 2017 By Huy Nguyen Trieu in Career, Startup, Startups Tags: Around Fintech in 8 hours, CFTE,...

The top 6 side-events during Web Summit 2017

More than 60.000 people are coming to Lisbon this week for Web Summit.I’m not going to lie to you, last year was a...

Artificial Intelligence in Lisbon: Here Are 5 Startups You Should Hear About

This year, as we were organising the Machine Learning School in Lisbon, I kept on wondering why the whole world was merely looking...

The bank that’s apparently so cool it has become a chat up line in London’s bars

The future of banking fits in the palm of your hand! But is it all that new? Image: monzo By Liza Hearon2017-10-26 15:02:10...

Why Fintech is an opportunity we might not see again…

These are not my words, but those of Rob Frohwein, CEO of Kabbage. Read on to understand more about the context of the...

Be a Judge! Support your favorite B.Plan

Espark-Viridian is a startup accelerator for early and growth seeking startups. Headstart is the oldest and largest startup ecosystem development organisations established with the vision of ‘changing the world with entrepreneurship’.Headstart has helped numerous startups showcase their offerings and get feedback on their products. It has facilitated tens of thousands of connections to potential co-founders, customers, vendors, mentors, investors

The post Be a Judge! Support your favorite B.Plan appeared first on Dream Wallets Crowdfunding Blog.

The single most important quality to be an entrepreneur?

Are entrepreneurs born or made? Are there any common traits shared by entrepreneurs? I was talking to a friend, and was wondering if there...

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