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Tag: standards

Britain says violence seen at U.S. protests is very alarming

LONDON (Reuters) - The violence witnessed at protests in the United States sparked by the death of a black man in police custody...

UK warns China against destroying the ‘jewel’ of Hong Kong with crackdown

LONDON (Reuters) - The United Kingdom said on Tuesday that China was risking the destruction of one of the jewels of Asia’s economy...

German minister hopes ‘legitimate’ U.S. protests will have an impact

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas attends a news conference with his Ukrainian counterpart Dmytro Kuleba after discussing bilateral and international issues, in...

‘I can’t be silent’: Hong Kong people aim to mark Tiananmen despite ban

HONG KONG (Reuters) - Many Hong Kong people will find their own way to mark the 31st anniversary of Chinese troops opening fire...

Truelayer signs payment initiation deal with UK government

Open banking and payments firm TrueLayer has been added to the UK government’s Payment Acceptance Framework, enabling it to provide payment initiation services...

Future MOT Tests May Include Cars To Be Tested For Cyber Security To Prevent Hacks

MOT tests may soon introduce the clause when driverless cars hit the road to ensure safety and quality standards are maintained for road users....

Floyd family autopsy could help accused policeman’s defense, legal experts say

(Reuters) - An independent autopsy that found George Floyd died solely from asphyxiation could actually bolster the defense of the former Minneapolis police...

Five police shot during protests after Trump vows to bring in U.S. military

WASHINGTON/MINNEAPOLIS (Reuters) - At least five U.S. police were hit by gunfire during violent protests over the death of a black man in...

EU ‘appalled’ by Floyd’s death, warns against excess force

European High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell gestures during a video news conference on external action of the...

Canada: Witset writes its own cannabis law

First Nation says it is their constitutional right to govern cultivation and sale of marijuana reports Interior News… They write...The Interior News has learned a...

Global shares cruise to three-month highs, dollar shows the strain

LONDON (Reuters) - World stocks climbed towards three-month highs on Tuesday as the global coronavirus recovery effort won out over U.S.-China tensions and...

Four police shot in violent protests after Trump vows to bring in U.S. military

WASHINGTON/MINNEAPOLIS (Reuters) - Four St Louis police officers were hit by gunfire late on Monday during violent protests over the death of a...

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