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Is a Free Trial Always Better Than a Demo?

Which offer will be most likely to motivate your potential customers to engage with you: a free trial or a demo?

It’s generally accepted that for your software as a service product a free trial is always preferable to a demonstration. It provides the prospect with the freedom to use the tool in their own time, at their own pace, and experience real value first-hand before making their purchase decision.

However, in some cases a demo will be preferable. It depends on your product, and how your potential customers perceive the value it offers.

Need NFT Art Services? Check This Out!

The two main components of generative NFTs are code and art. (Read this primer on those two topics.)  Plenty of our potential clients are artists, whether...

This Halloween, let’s see what’s in the Maximo candy bag

In October, I cannot help but think wistfully of what is one of the best days of the year for a kid – Halloween of course! Do you remember progressing through the trick or treat lifecycle? Regardless of what age you were, what was the first thing you did when you got home?  You poured […]

The post This Halloween, let’s see what’s in the Maximo candy bag appeared first on IBM Business Operations Blog.

Choosing the right suppliers: A closer look at a factory audit checklist

Household goods manufacturing and supply chain operations remain under significant pressure, forcing the speeding up of processes in some cases to meet tight deadlines. An increasing need for agility and flexibility has introduced new risks as well as shortcuts and vulnerabilities that can lead to compliance and regulations violations.

Expensive Gaming Chair – Choose The Best One – IoT Worm

Out of a great variety of gaming chairs, choosing the right one is crucial. There are numerous expensive gaming chairs in the market to...

Benefits and Drawbacks of Crowdfunding You Must Know

Crowdfunding is one of the best ways of raising funds for a business, startup, or content creator. Due to the flexibility and customizability crowdfunding offers, these platforms have become very popular recently, and both investors and fundraisers are being benefitted from these platforms. Even though crowdfunding platforms offer a ton of benefits, they aren’t perfect. They offer a ton of benefits as well as some drawbacks, and it’s important to know both before you decide to invest in crowdfunding. In this article, we’ll discuss both the benefits and drawbacks of crowdfunding programs. Let’s get right to it. Drawbacks of Crowdfunding […]

The post Benefits and Drawbacks of Crowdfunding You Must Know appeared first on Crowdfunding software.

Starting a Crowdfunding Website from Scratch

Crowdfunding platforms are booming now that the concept of crowdfunding is becoming increasingly popular. A lot of businesses and entrepreneurs are trying to bite a chunk out of this profit pie, and we can’t really blame them. If you’re planning on creating a sustainable crowdfunding business, now’s probably the best time for you. “How to start a crowdfunding site?” is one of the most commonly asked questions by people who’re willing to start a crowdfunding business. In this article, we’ve decided to discuss this in detail. Read this till the end if you want to learn about building crowdfunding websites. […]

The post Starting a Crowdfunding Website from Scratch appeared first on Crowdfunding software.

Harnessing the Power of Private Equity Crowdfunding

Private equity crowdfunding is one of the popular types of crowdfunding platforms. There are multiple benefits that the other types of crowdfunding platforms fail to offer, but private crowdfunding manages to incorporate these benefits seamlessly into their services. This is why private crowdfunding platforms are so widely used. In this article, we’ll discover the types of crowdfunding platforms there are, and we’ll also share the benefits you can expect to receive from private equity crowdfunding. Let’s get started! Types of Crowdfunding There are a total of five crowdfunding models. In this section, we’ll take a brief look at five models […]

The post Harnessing the Power of Private Equity Crowdfunding appeared first on Crowdfunding software.

How To Know If Your Laptop Needs Replacement – IoT Worm

Since remote work has become the norm, the need to have a personal computer has never been more important. A computer, whether a desktop...

Starting a Crowdfunding Business Simplified

A lot of people mistake crowdfunding for means of raising money online. However, it is a bit more than that. There are different types of crowdfunding businesses on the internet, and there’s a handful of successful businesses as well. However, that doesn’t mean that you can’t be successful in starting a crowdfunding business. Then again, it must be done right if you want to launch it successfully. In this article, we’ll discuss how to start a crowdfunding business, and we’ll also discuss how to do it properly so you can profit from it. Let’s get started! How to Start Crowdfunding […]

The post Starting a Crowdfunding Business Simplified appeared first on Crowdfunding software.

Crowdfunding and all its Benefits for Your Campaign

Whether it is a new product you are launching or looking for funds for a startup, crowdfunding is the best option. Crowdfunding is now one of the most popular ways of collecting funds for something new. Have you heard of Kickstarter, Indiegogo? These are crowdfunding sites. But don’t worry if you are not too familiar with crowdfunding. In this article, we will explain crowdfunding and the benefits of crowdfunding. So, let’s begin. What is Crowdfunding? Let’s start by explaining what crowdfunding is. It generally refers to collecting money/ funds from the people for supporting a campaign/ project. A crowdfunding campaign […]

The post Crowdfunding and all its Benefits for Your Campaign appeared first on Crowdfunding software.

CS:GO Guns: Best Weapons To Use In Counter Strike

Learn all you need to know about CS:GO guns and when to buy them

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