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President Obama on Future of AI and Tech, Bots Label Video, More – This Week in Artificial Intelligence 10-14-16

1 – Barack Obama: Now Is the Greatest Time to Be AlivePresident Obama was generous enough to take time out of his (still) busy...

9 Shep Hyken’s Customer Service advice you need to hear now

Shep Hyken is recognized as one of the world’s preeminent customer service gurus. When companies experience difficulty keeping their customers happy, they reach...

Comodo Updates Free Managed Services Solution

Reading Time: 3 minutesToday, Comodo announced availability of its next version of its free Comodo IT management platform, Comodo One MSP version 3.1. Comodo...

The Buzz on Comodo 360

Reading Time: 2 minutesAll the buzz out of RSA was about how cyber security companies can differentiate themselves in a crowded...

The App Guy Podcast: Vasco Pedro shares his advice on how to successfully grow your startup

Unbabel’s CEO Vasco Pedro was recently a guest on The App Guy Podcast hosted by Paul Kemp. He spoke about going through Y...

Moving on from big blockchains

What we gain in flexibility by losing proof of workWhen it comes to using blockchains for inter-enterprise coordination, there’s an elephant-sized problem in...

Comodo Announces Code Signing on the Fly Now Available With Comodo Certificate Manager 5.3

Reading Time: 2 minutesManaging all your digital certificates can be a daunting task for businesses and mistakes are bound to happen due to...

How Crowdsourcing App Tilt Is Approaching International Expansion

Tilt (formerly known as Crowdtilt), is a crowdfunding app that makes it easy for groups and communities to collect money from people. Like...

Smart contracts: The good, the bad and the lazy

Why private blockchains should not be eager to run codeI’m not a fan of the term “smart contracts”. For a start, it has been used...

How Landing.jobs Gains An Edge Over Their Competition With Unbabel

In this series, we look at how our customers are using Unbabel to succeed in international markets and eventually, take over the world.Landing.jobs...

The State Of The Chinese Internet: How To Expand Into China Without Making A Fool Of Yourself

So, you want to expand into China? Awesome! China has a huge market and the economy is growing at a crazy rate, making...

Hollywood Whodunit: Who Hacked Sony?

Reading Time: 3 minutesMysteries are the most popular genre in books, movies and films. Everyone loves to solve a mystery and we now...

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