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Dare Okoudjou of MFS Africa

This week on FinTech Profile, we talk to Dare Okoudjou, founder and CEO of leading Pan-African fintech company MFS Africa. Operating the largest...

Gavin Spencer of Apparity

Today we are joined by Gavin Spencer of Apparity. Apparity is a fully integrated enterprise class application designed to securely control and automate all...

5 Points to Consider When Evaluating Next-Generation Endpoint Security Products

Reading Time: 3 minutesEndpoints are extremely vulnerable to security breaches. Hackers find endpoints to channel out infectious attacks through advanced persistent threats and...

How AI is helping modern business become fitter, happier and more productive

The robots are coming. And they’re scary. That’s one of the conclusions of a survey commissioned by the UK’s Royal Society, which assessed...

Investment Management Manager

Here at BitcoinsInIreland.com, we regularly post information which have come in via our alerts relating to bitcoin and blockchain employment in Ireland. You...

June’s Roundup of Irish Bitcoin & Blockchain News Coverage

There’s been a flurry of alerts over the past couple of weeks about Irish media coverage of new and existing bitcoin and blockchain...

Ticketchain announced as part of Trinity’s Launchbox Incubator

As reported in SiliconRepublic, a new blockchain ticketing start-up called Ticketchain is coming through Trinity College’s Launchbox Incubator. Formed in last year’s Blockchain...

MIT aims to pry open ‘black box’ of machine learning systems

Do your IT experts know what the company's machine learning algorithms are doing? They almost certainly do not, according to Sam Madden, professor...

Imagining a World without Language Barriers

An article by Brandon Deer, originally published at OpenView Labs – “A Conversation on the Future of AI with Unbabel’s Vasco Pedro“Vasco Pedro has always been...

Professor Evans & his Essay On the Impossibility of Virus Detection

Reading Time: 3 minutesWhy Is Computer Security So Hard? On the Impossibility of Virus Detection Professor Dave Evans teaches Computer Science at the University of...

How telecoms giant Italtel stopped worrying about translation and localized its content with Unbabel

From developing the first telecoms systems in Italy, to upgrading them from analogue to digital at the end of the 20th Century, to...

Why we’re building universal understanding with Unbabel

According to the famous story from Genesis, a once-united humanity that spoke a single language dared to build a city and a tower...

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