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Tag: social problems

The Guide to Crypto Impact Investing – Bitcoin Market Journal

Nathan Cummings was a grocery tycoon (you don’t hear those two words very often) who built Consolidated Foods, later known as the Sara Lee...

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Exploring the Connection: Did Rockefeller Exploit Alcohol Prohibition to Gain Monopoly over Standard Oil?

Exploring the Connection: Did Rockefeller Exploit Alcohol Prohibition to Gain Monopoly over Standard Oil? The era of alcohol prohibition in the United States, which lasted...

Hawaii Makes a Push to Legalize Weed, Although Most People Would Assume Marijuana Has Been Legal in Hawaii for Decades

A rising number of measures pertaining to marijuana have been introduced by legislators in Hawaii during the current legislative session, indicating the state's intention...

The big potential of MOFs in tackling fundamental problems

Dec 27, 2023 (Nanowerk News) Metal organic frameworks (MOFs) are advanced porous materials with multifunctional tunable properties. Discovered approximately 20 years ago, these sponge-like molecule...

What is ESG in Banking

ESG Full Form : ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. ESG criteria are now becoming essential considerations in banking and financial sector. Though ESG started as...

DBS Introduces Metaverse Vision for DBS BetterWorld

DBS, Singapore’s leading bank, has unveiled its metaverse concept for DBS BetterWorld, demonstrating the potential for the metaverse to drive positive change. Meanwhile, the...

Is San Francisco coming back? 9 factors shaping its future – Ross Dawson

For a couple of decades San Francisco has been my ‘second city’ after Sydney, where I’ve gotten to know the city, built a network...

Auditors’ Report on B.C. Cannabis

A provincial auditors’ report on B.C. cannabis says the provincial branch responsible for legal cannabis is understaffed and lacks proper training.The auditors’ report on...

Advice on closing venture capital’s equity gap

Kapor Capital founding partners Mitch Kaplan and Freada Kapor Klein want to set the record straight: Backing startups fronted by entrepreneurs of color, women...

What’s Behind the Pressure to Censor Social Studies? American Cultural Mindsets

The College Board — the organization that designs the Advanced Placement college-level curricula for high school students — recently removed a number of terms...

Did Portugal Really Decriminalize Drugs?

Did Portugal really decriminalize drugs? This seems like an obvious answer. In 2001, the European country decriminalized drugs. While possession and use were (and...

Everyone is Rushing to Legalize Weed, Yet Amsterdam Can’t Get Rid of It Fast Enough?

Amsterdam Bans Weed Smoking in the Red Light District Amsterdam's red light district has been a haven for tourists seeking liberation from the rules and...

Discreetly Dank: ‘I had to stop using weed as an emotional crutch’

Discreetly Dank: 'I had to stop using weed as an emotional crutch' | Leafly ...

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