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Tag: sober

What Is the Role of Ibogaine in Treating Addiction?

Ibogaine is a mind-altering substance found in the roots of the Iboga plant, which grows in West Africa. Many see it as a possible...

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Key Information For The 60+ About Marijuana

It is a big summer for the cannabis industry – will Boomers join Gen Z in embracing marijuana?It is the summer of cannabis with...

A Guide For First Time Marijuana Users

As more states approve legalization – more people are interested in trying it. But what do you REALLY need to know.While it has been...

What It Means to Be Cannabis Sober – Addiction Breaker or Just Another Substitute Drug?

What it means to be Cannabis Sober Jelly Roll, the rising country star, recently made waves when he claimed in an interview that marijuana has...

Are You Ready To Have Stronger Marijuana

Most people get in a groove with consumption – be it alcohol or cannabis – but sometimes you want to go big Roughly 88%+ of...

Scientists Got Fish High on Psychedelics to Explain How They Work – Here’s What They Found Out!

Psychedelics are all the rage – not just in North America, but all over the world. Over the past few years, there has been...

Consumer Spending Validates Marijuana Rescheduling

It is a historic move for a country which had prohibition, but consumers are using their wallets to show they support it.Culture wars have been...

Signs Your Kid May Be Using Marijuana

Until the 80s – parents worried about alcohol, but is a marijuana concern now? The world is changing rapidly with Canada and parts of the US...

Did the Death of the Lazy Stoner Stereotype Push Cannabis Rescheduling Forward?

The Death of the Lazy Stoner Stereotype https://neurosciencenews.com/attention-cannabis-psychology-25994/ https://www.reddit.com/r/psychology/comments/1cdsuhj/cannabis_users_stay_motivated_lazy_stoner_myth/ For decades, the stereotype of the "lazy stoner" has been deeply ingrained in our collective unconscious, thanks to...

Benefits of Magic Mushrooms: Exploring Their Therapeutic Potential

Psychedelic substances such as psilocybin, the active compound in magic mushrooms, have been a point of interest in cultural practices for centuries and, more...

The Best Tips On How To Avoid Weekend Couchlock

Many a Saturday has been spoiled by too much fun on a Friday night.  Hangovers have been a weekend curse for generations. While it...

7 Suggestions To Celebrate 4/20

The cannabis world has changed since 1971 when five students in California coined the phrase 4/20. They used a treasure map to hunt for...

What’s The Buzz About Beer And Weed

Beer is universal, it is the 3rd most consumed fluid behind water and tea (surprise – not coffee).  China, the US and Brazil lead...

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