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Tag: skills

‘Intelligent tutoring systems’ use AI to boost student IQ

predicament as familiar to the military as it is to data scientists.Ken Koedinger, a professor of human-computer interaction and psychology at Carnegie Mellon...

Learning by playing

Getting children (and adults) to tidy up after themselves can be a challenge, but we face an even greater challenge trying to get...

Open-sourcing Psychlab

What appears to be a single task actually depends on multiple cognitive abilities. We face a similar problem in AI research, where the...

Comodo protects five universities from new malware that steals data

Reading Time: 5 minutesIn the first few weeks of 2018, cybercriminals targeted five universities, 23 private companies and several government organizations. Despite the...

7 Website Security Improvement Tips

Reading Time: 4 minutes Creating websites is pretty easy these days. A task which no longer requires coding skills. Thanks to Content Management Systems...

122- Scarcity vs Abundance Mindset on Kickstarter and Beyond

Is Kickstarter a sustainable long-term platform or are we in a bubble that’s soon to burst? How creators respond to this question reveals...

What are the skills for Finance 2.0? At the Singapore Fintech Festival

Nov 7, 2017 By Huy Nguyen Trieu in Career, Startup, Startups Tags: Around Fintech in 8 hours, CFTE,...

119 – Launching and Learning: A Kickstarter Deep Dive with Tart’s Kevin Joseph

In this awesome interview with Kevin Joseph of Kechal Comics, you’ll learn the power and importance of communication with your collaborators and your...

Why Fintech is an opportunity we might not see again…

These are not my words, but those of Rob Frohwein, CEO of Kabbage. Read on to understand more about the context of the...

117 – How to Take Part in Kickstarter’s Commissions Month in November

Kickstarter wants you to create with your fans in the month of November. Comissions month is coming on Kickstarter and in this session, Tyler...

Promoting Women in Supply Chain

With an estimated 2 million manufacturing jobs expected to go unfilled in the next decade, encouraging women to enter supply chain is one...

115 – The Most & Least Valuable Habits for Creators

Two habits. One is extremely common among creators and not only worthless… but actually will cost you. The other, far less common, though...

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