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Tag: skills

Bug bounty hunter numbers rising dramatically: HackerOne

HackerOne reported an explosion in the number of people participating in its program and the amount of money they earned through bug...

Tips for those of all ages interested in pursuing a career in cybersecurity

Today, we are facing a frightening shortage of cybersecurity professionals in the workforce. Specifically, this widening gap is expected to lead to 3.5 million...

Emotet Resurfaces to Drive 145% of Threats in Q4 2019

Analysis of 92 billion rejected emails reveals a range of simple and complex attack techniques for the last quarter of 2019.RSA Conference 2020...

The winners of the 2020 SC Awards Honored in the U.S.

Trust AwardBest Authentication TechnologyForgeRockForgeRock Identity Platform All journeys have a beginning, middle and an end, and it’s the job of the ForgeRock Identity Platform to...

3D-printing metal-organic framework solids for high-pressure gas storage and separation

Feb 26, 2020 (Nanowerk Spotlight) Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) rank among the best materials for catalysis, gas storage and gas storage and processing. So...

How Augmented Reality and Artificial Intelligence are Shaping the Future of Work – ARIA Summit 2020

Augmentir recently participated in the 2020 ARIA Leadership Summit at the MIT Media Lab in Cambridge, MA. The AR in Action (ARIA) Leadership...

Bitcoin Association Hires Ella Qiang as Southeast Asia Manager to Grow Bitcoin SV

<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)--sm Mt(0.8em)--sm" type="text" content="LONDON, Feb. 25, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Bitcoin Association&nbsp;has named Ella Qiang as the latest of its...

Scrabble Chinese Room and AI Understanding

By Lance Eliot, the AI Trends Insider If you are a Scrabble fan, you might remember the headlines in 2015 that...

10 Ways to Hide Elements in CSS

There are multiple ways to hide an element in CSS, but they differ in the way they affect accessibility, layout, animation, performance, and...

Why Minimizing Human Error is the Only Viable Defense Against Spear Phishing

Phishing attacks have become one of the business world's top cybersecurity concerns. These social engineering attacks have been rising over the years, with...

10 Data Science Books to Read in 2020

In the past weeks, we asked successful data scientists in different industries what books they believe are the best to learn and...

London’s top cop dismisses ‘highly inaccurate or ill informed’ facial-recognition critics, possibly ironically

Appears she ignored report that concluded the tech is highly inaccurate The head of London’s Metropolitan Police, Cressida Dick, has angered critics of...

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