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Tag: Shopping

Bringing the best of mobile technology to Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

This partnership builds on a relationship between the Trust, Imperial College, and DeepMind. The task management features in Streams are underpinned by a...

Want to scale your e-commerce biz? You need multilingual customer service

When it comes to internationalizing, many companies tend to take the lemonade stand approach: start domestically, establish your position, and then slowly expand...

The Buzz on Comodo 360

Reading Time: 2 minutesAll the buzz out of RSA was about how cyber security companies can differentiate themselves in a crowded...

Polish idioms translated literally into English and how to use them

„I know this one!” I shouted really excited in my Portuguese class the other week. We were learning different idioms and the teacher...

FROM THE COMODO LABS: Cyber Thieves Target Pandora Jewelers with New Phishing Email

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe Comodo Antispam Labs (CASL) team has identified a malware attack targeted specifically at businesses and consumers who make purchases...

Animal Rescue, Inc.

Since 1976, Animal Rescue, Inc. has been a refuge for homeless cats and dogs.

The post Animal Rescue, Inc. first appeared on Ecwid | E-Commerce Shopping Cart.

Social Media Marketing in China: What Western Companies Need To Know

We recently published a primer for businesses thinking about expanding to China. There was one (big) thing we left out: how to handle...

Kokosina Bags

Genuine leather bags and backpacks for best price without sacrificing quality. Kokosina bags are for people, not for the catwalks.

The post Kokosina Bags first appeared on Ecwid | E-Commerce Shopping Cart.

5 Ways to Grow Your Online Business Via Translation

For years, English has been the language of international business. But it’s not necessarily staying that way.Improvements in technology and growth in developing...

Tips for Secure Shopping on Black Friday and Cyber Monday

Reading Time: 3 minutesTis the season to be jolly, and to do a lot of holiday shopping! It’s an important time for both...

POS Under Attack: The Why, How & What to Do

Reading Time: 4 minutesOver the past year, there have been an alarming number of high profile data breaches of customer cardholder and personal...

Georgie’s Bridal Shoes

Georgie’s has been a leading bridal shoe retailer in Australia since 1993. Their customers can shop online and at the physical location, receiving professional omnichannel ...

The post Georgie's Bridal Shoes first appeared on Ecwid | E-Commerce Shopping Cart.

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