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Backerkit Pledge Manager Surveys Review [BackerKit Revisited Part 3]

Tyler tackles Backerkit's main service offering, the Backerkit Pledge Manager with a particular focus on Backerkit Surveys! In this session, you'll learn what Backerkit Surveys can do, who should use them, and how effective they are at not only managing complex campaigns but also raising significantly more funding AFTER your Kickstarter campaign ends.

Startup NIFTSY Raises €1mln seed round from European and Asian VCs to build infrastructure for NFT applications

A blockchain protocol startup NIFTSY announced the closure of a €1,000,000 seed funding round with lead investors from Europe and Asia from InnMind

Is Substack Where Comic Creators Should Build Their Email Lists Now?

Over the past month, a wave of high profile comic creators started publishing new email newsletters on Substack, a venture backed platform for independent publishing. In this session, Tyler goes deep on the Substack platform, and weather or not it's a place ComixLaunchers should be.

How to Stop Feeling Bad When a Launch Isn’t Performing in 5,4,3,2,1…

Campaign underperforming? You know you need to stay positive in order to keep promoting your Kickstarter... but how do you actually do that when you keep hitting refresh on your project page and aren't liking your funding or backer totals? In this session, Tyler shares why it's so important to shake out of that negative state and how to quickly right your emotional ship.

The 13 Best Sales Enablement Software & Platforms in 2023

Sales enablement platforms are to feed sales representatives with productive content and give them opportunities to sell.It has become a necessity for sales enablement...

Will I Turn Off Past Backers by Launching Something Different? [Jaymie Dylan Mastermind Hotseat]

Writer/artist Jaymie Dylan is concerned that her next Kickstarter project might be too different from her last one to bring her existing backers back for more. In this mastermind style session, the round table discusses personal branding and strategies for multi-talented, multi-interested creators can use to get their audience to follow them, regardless of what they're creating.

I’m Drowning in Creative Projects! [Ryan Claytor Mastermind Hotseat]

Like many creators, Ryan Claytor has far more creative projects in the works than he can possibly complete. As a result, he’s feeling...

Help Me Brainstorm for My First Anthology Launch! [George O’Connor Mastermind Hotseat]

Writer George O’Connor is gearing up to launch his first big anthology project, Toddlerpocalypse, and is looking to brainstorm reward and campaign ideas...

6 Strategies to Connect with Strangers & Boost Your Fundraising Success

Fortune favors the bold and so does fundraising! Improve your fundraiser’s chances of success exponentially by doing what most people are too scared to do: talk to strangers.   If this is your first time fundraising–or contacting people you don’t know on behalf of your cause–we’ve got you covered.   This article details how to […]

The post 6 Strategies to Connect with Strangers & Boost Your Fundraising Success appeared first on GroupRaise.

Creating Comics Crowdfunding Connections with Night Wolf’s Rob Multari

Writer Rob Multari, and the founder and publisher of Lone Wolf Comics, best known for the Kickstarter funded ongoing series Night Wolf joins...

Crowdfunding OGNs with The Deadliest Bouquet’s Erica Schultz

Ringo-nominated comic book writer and editor Erica Schultz chats with Tyler about using crowdfunding to bring an all-new original graphic novel The Deadliest...

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