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Tag: segment customers

Guide to Predictive Analytics: Definition, Core Concepts, Tools, and Use Cases

Table of contents Predictive analytics has become a crucial component of modern business strategy, enabling organizations to...

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How to Offer Discounts to Increase Revenue: Top Tools & Strategies

Smart businesses know that strategic discounting isn’t just a temporary rush — it’s a revenue driver that can revitalize sales figures and influence customer loyalty.However, when discounting, there’s...

Customer-Centric AI: How AI Can Improve Upselling and Cross-Selling

Nowadays, meeting customer expectations is no longer just enough. To thrive, businesses must exceed these expectations, and leveraging customer-centric AI is key to achieving this goal.Integrating AI into customer relationship management (CRM)...

How AI and Machine Learning Are Shaping Fintech

Fintech has evolved radically in the last few years, thanks in no small part to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML). Influencing everything...

The role of Logistics within the Supply Chains group – Learn About Logistics

The role of each function The previous blogpost identified that the Aim of a Supply Chains group is to provide ‘Competitive Availability’ of products and...

The customer experience outlook in 2024: Personalisation and AI to bring finservs closer to consumer

In 2023, the UK’s business sector weathered storms such as geopolitical tensions, the cost-of-living crisis, and an economic downturn. This turbulence looks set to...

AI in CRM: 5 Note worthy use cases you can’t ignore

As the digital dawn of the 21st century unfolds, the omnipresence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is irrefutably transforming the...

How To Rethink Your Customer Segmentation Efforts To Be More Profitable – eCommerceFuel

Courtney Goudswaard • Yesterday at 00:00 Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto once observed that 20% of the population owned...

Migrate your existing SQL-based ETL workload to an AWS serverless ETL infrastructure using AWS Glue | Amazon Web Services

Data has become an integral part of most companies, and the complexity of data processing is increasing rapidly with the exponential growth in the...

How segmentation can help drive deposits

The following is a guest post by Mac Thompson, the founder and president of White Clay The financial services industry is still trying to...

Hands-On SQL Projects: Boost Your Skills and Portfolio

Table of contents Introduction Structured Query Language, or SQL, has undeniably carved its niche as an indispensable tool in the realm of...

Supervised Learning vs. Unsupervised Learning Algorithms

IntroductionMachine Learning (ML) is a field of study that focuses on developing algorithms to learn automatically from data, making predictions and inferring patterns without...

Import data from over 40 data sources for no-code machine learning with Amazon SageMaker Canvas

Data is at the heart of machine learning (ML). Including relevant data to comprehensively represent your business problem ensures that you effectively capture trends...

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