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Tag: School

Customer engagement strategies that heed power of social media

The power of social media to alter customer engagement strategies -- for a product rollout, an executive hire, a policy change -- is...

The rise and fall of the English language

If you’re reading this in the original English it was written (rather than our translations in Chinese, German, French, Portuguese, Spanish or Italian), perhaps it’s not...

Medicalchain – Blockchain for Electronic Health Records

At the core of MedicalChain is the idea that medical data should be accessible by doctor and patient alike. Currently, individual records are...

Medicalchain – Blockchain for Electronic Health Records

At the core of MedicalChain is the idea that medical data should be accessible by doctor and patient alike. Currently, individual records are housed in local hospitals and clinics. This makes it difficult for providers to update information efficiently and leaves the individual patient out of the equation. The best way to achieve updated medical...

The post Medicalchain - Blockchain for Electronic Health Records appeared first on Blockchain Healthcare Review.

What it means to be a customer centric organization

You might be thinking, “great, another article about customer centricity. I cannot wait to read it”.Followed by a robust yawn. Books, blogs, keynotes,...

A Beginner’s Guide To Bitcoin & Blockchain Technology [Infographic]

The bitcoin network completely relies on the blockchain. Blockchain is further classified as three types namely public, private and consortium blockchain. Source: PWC Subscribe...

Marketing Your Summer Camp: 5 Successful Strategies

There’s no question: your summer camp is a really exceptional place. Your community is second to none, your activities are engaging, and when kids...

PetLife: Blockchain for Veterinary Medicine

In a time when blockchain is revolutionizing the security and accessibility of healthcare solutions, one company aims to bring those benefits to veterinary...

iXledger – Peer to Peer Blockchain-based Insurance Solutions

Blockchain is a radical new technology that creates a distributed ledger that is verifiable between two parties and does not require an intermediate...

iXledger – Peer to Peer Blockchain-based Insurance Solutions

Blockchain is a radical new technology that creates a distributed ledger that is verifiable between two parties and does not require an intermediate third party. It is quickly having a profound impact on a number of industries, especially in finance and healthcare. In fact, the first killer application of the blockchain was Bitcoin, a digital...

The post iXledger - Peer to Peer Blockchain-based Insurance Solutions appeared first on Blockchain Healthcare Review.

Hong Kong Extends Migrant Policy to Facilitate DLT and FinTech Professionals

A new Hong Kong government initiative seeks to attract professionals in Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) by simplifying the immigration policy, according to a...

Computer says no — Why my dad hates automation in customer support

When people start talking about automation in customer support, and how computers are taking over and why we no longer need human agents,...

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